74 Percent Of Millennial Moms Said They've Sworn In Front Of Children, Kraft Mac And Cheese Survey Says

Nobody's perfect, not even moms. No matter how hard they try, they're only human, and that's exactly what Kraft Macaroni & Cheese aims to portray in its new campaign to celebrate "perfectly imperfect" moms.

"The reality is that millennial parents today really don't believe that there is such a thing as perfect parenting, and they are the first to admit it," Rachel Drof, marketing director for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, told Adweek. "As we built on that, the role that Kraft Mac and Cheese plays in that is it's the one thing that no matter what, we can deliver a win for parents because it's the taste kids love, and we can make it right."

As part of the campaign, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese conducted a survey of 1,000 millennial parents and found that 74 percent of moms admitted to swearing in front of their children, with moms proving more prolific than dads when it comes to accidentally dropping f-bombs. To help parents find kid-friendly alternatives to swearing, the brand enlisted the help of Melissa Mohr, author of Holy Sh*t: A Brief History of Swearing.

The brand even created limited-edition earplugs for kids to wear when their moms look like they might lose it — but they also have Mother's Day cards available online to download, print, and make using a Kraft Mac & Cheese box.