How Coconut Water Can Help You The Night Before And The Morning After
Coconut water is a growing craze that has swept the nation. Whether you're an avid drinker of some of the new coconut water products out there such as Vita Coco, Zico, O.N.E., or you just juice the fruit yourself, you really can't go wrong with the natural sweetness that actually has some health benefits. One of the major players in the coconut water game, Vita Coco, shared with us some appealing cocktail recipes. We also rounded up some other ones as well, some from The Daily Meal. All of them are not only delicious, but also low in calories so you won't feel as bad about indulging in that third round.
The drinks are also exceptional for cocktail beginners because they're super easy to make. While we do love the skinny cocktail recipes that we can create from coconut water, our favorite part about coconut water is that it's a helpful hangover cure.
As the folks at Vita Coco remind us, coconut water is full of potassium, which makes it an effective source of hydration which is essential in tackling a hangover. We know all about the benefits of potassium in curing a hangover — a banana helps almost immediately when you're in the throes of a terrible hangover. Now we're looking at coconut water for its dual functionality — something delicious that will hydrate us and help the dizziness, headaches, and stomach-churning symptoms of a hangover.
So by stocking our fridge with coconut water this weekend, we'll not only have a delicious cocktail or two on Friday night, but an exceptionally functional hangover-helper for Saturday morning as well.
Click here to see the Vita-llini Recipe
Click here to see the Skinny Colada Recipe
Click here to see the Guy's Night Out Recipe
Click here to see the Coconut Colada Recipe
Click here to see the Coconut Coolers Recipe
Click here to see The Coconut Sparklers Recipe
Click here to see the Fresh Strawberry Coconut Margarita Recipe