The Daily Dish: May 4, 2016
Today's first course?
All this week, Uber is celebrating its fifth anniversary of service in New York with $5 pooled rides and a free slice of pizza for customers in a different borough every day. Be sure to check out this story in the Eat/Dine section. We'e posted the complete schedule for you so you can snag cheap carpool rides and free pizza.
A discount grocery store chain in Simpsonville, South Carolina, was found to be selling boxes of Girl Scout cookies at a discounted price in its six stores. This did not sit well with the Girl Scouts of South Carolina. The cookies were being sold at DealMart for $5 for a 12-pack of cookies, at about a 90 percent discount, as the grocer had a large quantity of cookies that needed to be sold as quickly as possible while they were still fresh.
The FBI is currently seeking the identification of an unknown man who was caught by security cameras on April 24 attempting to sprinkle an unknown liquid substance onto products at a Whole Foods in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Whole Foods confirmed with the media that a team member caught the man attempting to contaminate items at the hot foods bar, and security footage confirmed it. They immediately shut down and sanitized the affected area. Police and all surrounding Whole Foods locations were contacted. Preliminary testing has shown that the substance is likely not harmful.
That's today's Daily Dish, thanks for watching. Stop by tomorrow for another helping.