Ground Sage Is The Ingredient You Need For More Flavorful Sloppy Joes

Next to homemade baked macaroni and cheese and classic chicken noodle soup, ground beef sloppy joes is another nostalgic meal most foodies enjoy. Originally known as loose meat sandwiches, these saucy sandwiches are composed of ground meat mixed with a tomato-based sauce, served between hamburger buns. Since sloppy joes have been around since the 1930s, several variations of a traditional sloppy joe recipe have cropped up during the past several decades. If you're looking to give your next batch of sloppy joes a more complex flavor, you may want to try adding in some ground sage.

Sage is a perennial herb known for its earthy profile and pepper-like flavor. Depending on whether you opt for fresh or dried sage, you can create a dish with either bright and distinct flavors or a more nuanced, savory profile. Chopped fresh sage tends to have a less robust flavor profile. Ground sage has a stronger flavor because grinding sage leaves releases more of their stronger elements. However, you don't have to worry about ground sage dominating your base ingredients with its bolder tones. As long as you add sage at the right time during the cooking process, your meal should have perfectly balanced flavors. 

What is the right amount of ground sage for sloppy joes?

To upgrade your meaty sloppy joes recipe, you want to avoid adding too much of this woodsy herb. If you're used to seasoning your sloppy joes with only salt, pepper, and maybe garlic, you may find that a little bit of ground sage goes a long way. To avoid sage overpowering this favorite childhood meal, it's best to add the spice early in the cooking process. Add the sage when you add the meat to your skillet, or right after the meat has finished cooking. The earlier you add ground sage, the more nuanced its distinct taste becomes over time. 

If you're wondering what adding sage does to the overall flavor of a bubbling pan of sloppy joes, you might be pleased to learn that sage pairs well with many different types of meat. Sage derives from the mint family which gives this herb a strong aroma and bold taste that pairs well with both savory and sweet foods. If you add this herbal spice to your next batch of sloppy joes, you'll likely be surprised by the well-rounded flavor sage gives to this hearty dish. Once you know how to control the amount and therefore the strength of sage in your sloppy joes, you might be curious about what other herbs and ingredients pair well with sage.

Combine sage with favorite spices to make delicious sloppy joes

Now that you know how dried, ground sage can be used to enhance sloppy joes, you might be curious how this herb compares to other spices. Whether you enjoy keeping your sloppy joe recipe simple by adding only salt and pepper or conversely, like to use a specialized combination of chili powder, smoked paprika, and cumin, ground sage can provide an herbal flair to almost any combination of spices. Traditionally, sage pairs best with woodsy herbs such as rosemary, oregano, and thyme. However, in warm and savory dishes such as sloppy joes which typically have deep, robust flavors, sage provides an almost citrus, pine-like taste that can counterbalance the rich and intense characteristics of warm and smokey spices.

On the other hand, if you're comfortable using ground sage and want this herb to serve as a star ingredient in your next batch of homemade sloppy joes, use it in tandem with only a few other seasonings so its earthy flavor doesn't get lost in the cooking process. You might also enjoy using a combination of ground beef and pork since sage marries well with fatty meats like ground pork that contains a natural hint of sweetness. Whichever blend of seasonings you decide to use, try giving your next round of sloppy joes a gentle yet distinct flavor upgrade with a bit of ground sage.