The Quick Tip For Piping Perfect Buttercream Flowers

Decorating a cake, cupcakes, or other baked goods can be a challenge. It's no surprise, then, that the learning curve can often result in some unattractive and even hilarious results. Illegible writing, gloopy frosting, and crooked, cramped, and uneven flowers are all too common. So, there's no reason to feel bad about not getting it right the first time. But if you can learn a tip or trick that will make it easier, why not do so?

If you're having trouble perfecting those buttercream flowers, then there's good news for you. One quick trick will have you making beautiful, even petals in no time. And all you need is the same piping tip that you'll use to make the petals. Getting even, frustration-free petals is as easy as using that same tip to mark the location for each petal's center before creating the actual flower. Doing so will ensure symmetrical buttercream flowers every single time, so you won't have to worry about disproportionate or off-center petals ever again.

Put that piping tip to work for beautiful buttercream flowers

This super helpful decorating tip comes courtesy of cake decorator Liz Shim. "Use the piping tip to mark guidelines for your petals before you start," Shim explains in an Instagram video. "Then pipe the petals along each line." Shim makes sure that each mark is evenly spaced by placing a gentle squeeze of buttercream frosting in lines directly across from each other instead of working in a circle.

Shim uses a wide, flat petal nozzle as the piping tip for this process. The marks Shim makes are the length of the piping tip and fan outwards from the center. Each mark acts as the center of one of the petals, making it easy to gauge how wide and long to make each petal so that they all come out the same. The results are absolutely gorgeous and perfectly symmetrical.

Use a flower nail to create beautiful buttercream flowers

Instead of piping the flowers directly onto baked goods, another popular trick is to use a flower nail to help create beautiful buttercream flowers. Stick a bit of parchment paper to the top of the flower nail, securing it with a smidge of buttercream frosting. Then, follow the circular shape of the flower nail, and apply the same markings to help guide your petails. Alternatively, you can use the length of the piping tip as a guide for the petals. Sweep the piping tip in a small hook motion over and over again until the circle is complete. You can then transfer the flowers to the freezer to harden before placing them on your baked delight.

By using a flower nail instead of a cake, cupcake, or cookie as your canvas, there's less worry about messing up your buttercream flower. Since they're not attached to the baked good, any uneven flowers can simply be tossed. Using markings to guide your petals or practicing on a flower nail are both great methods to get started on mastering gorgeous buttercream flowers.