The Juicing Tip To Keep In Mind When Making Fruit-Based Cocktails

Fruit-based cocktails offer a vibrant punch of color to happy hours and siestas alike. The creation of said cocktails is an experience in and of itself, too. A twist of lime here, a zest of lemon there: It's all one big symphony of alcoholic ingredients, fruity flavors, and mesmerizing garnishes

For all fans of cocktail hour, there is one juicing tip to keep in mind when making fruit-based drinks. Refrigerating fruit isn't always a bad thing, but do your research before choosing between the counter or the cold shelf. Many fruits become much harder to juice when refrigerated, and this can lead to less-than-stellar cocktails that have an imbalance of ingredients. When fruit is kept cold, it becomes much harder to squeeze out the juice. This is especially true of citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes, and pineapples.

If you typically keep fruit in the fridge, there's no need to change how you do things. Just remember to lay out the fruit you'll use for cocktails on the counter a few hours before you're ready to serve.

The science behind this phenomenon

It's pretty simple: Never refrigerate the fruit you plan to use in your drinks. While it might be tempting to keep fresh strawberries in the fridge for that extra chilled temperature, it might be doing more harm than good. (Plus, there are always ice cubes to use instead.)

The reasoning behind this all comes down to chemistry. When something becomes cold, its atoms will condense. This makes the object harden as the molecules have a much harder time moving around. In the case of something like fruit, this will make it much harder to take apart and juice. 

While this action is especially apparent when something is frozen, it still applies to things that are refrigerated too. Of course every fruit and vegetable has its own special way of being stored, so continue to adhere to these guidelines. Just use a little forethought when hosting a cocktail party and make sure your fruit reaches room temperature.

How to get the most juice out of your fruit

Now if you accidentally leave the fruit you intended to use in your cocktails in the fridge before a party, don't freak out. There are a few easy and fast ways to ensure that your fruit will produce more juice even after it's been sitting in the cold.

To really help a fruit release more juice, rolling it around on the counter with your palm before cutting it open is a good strategy to try first. This is an easy way to heat up the fruit and loosen up the juice hidden inside. Apply medium to firm pressure and roll the fruit around for at least ten seconds. Another similar technique to try is to literally heat up your fruit in the microwave. Simply stick your uncut produce of choice in the microwave for at least ten seconds until it's been softened. 

The main players here are pressure and heat, as these factors help loosen the molecules inside the fruit and get ready for juicing. So avoid the cold at all costs when making fruit-based cocktails, and now your drinks will be one step closer to perfection.