Majorly Upgrade Frozen Burritos By Way Of A Simple, Delicious Casserole

For those who lead busy lifestyles, having a few dinner options that are quick and easy to prepare is essential. While you may already have some popular frozen dinners stocked in your freezer such as Salisbury steak, chicken strips, and ravioli, few things say tasty convenience more than a box of frozen burritos. When hunger strikes, all this handy Mexican-inspired meal needs is approximately 30 minutes in a hot oven or a handful of minutes in the microwave before chow time. You may have even utilized some of your cooking skills and defrosted your burritos in the microwave before searing them in a hot non-stick frying pan. However, if you've found yourself ahead of schedule and want to try a new way of consuming these delicious, packaged foods, turning frozen burritos into a casserole may be the upgrade you've been after.

Sure enough, to turn frozen burritos into a saucy, cheese-filled meal, all you need is a shallow baking dish, canned enchilada sauce, salsa, and shredded cheese. Before revealing other tasty ways to elevate frozen burritos, it's worth digging into the exact process behind turning one of your favorite frozen foods into one deliciously comforting casserole.

How to make burrito casserole

Even though freezer breakfast burritos are fine to eat as-is on your morning commute, for a heartier meal you can jazz them and other types of frozen burritos up when you have more ingredients at your disposal. In order to turn your next box of frozen burritos into a mouthwatering casserole, begin by coating a non-stick casserole dish in cooking oil and adding a small amount of your favorite enchilada sauce to the base of the dish. Then unwrap your frozen burritos and place them in the sauce. You can cook as many as you'd like but try and leave a small amount of space between each burrito for extra sauce and cheese. Four to five burritos will likely fit in an 11-inch by 7-inch baking dish.

From here, you can either top your burritos with the rest of the enchilada sauce and add some salsa, or mix the remaining enchilada sauce and salsa together before topping your burritos. Once covered in sauce, bake your frozen burritos in a 375-degree Fahrenheit oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Once heated throughout, remove the pan from the oven and add a generous amount of shredded cheese to your hot burritos and place them back in the oven until the cheese is sufficiently melted. Now that you have a hot pan of savory burritos to enjoy, how else can you make these convenient frozen foods even more enjoyable?

Upgrade frozen burritos with all the extras

Whether or not you decide to transform your frozen burritos into a fancy shareable casserole is up to you. Regardless, there are a number of ways you can elevate the flavors of frozen burritos by simply adding some tasty toppings or fresh ingredients. If you decide to make a casserole out of your burritos, you can bulk up the content of this tasty meal by adding some extra seasoned ground beef or shredded chicken to the top before serving. To add some freshness to your cooked burritos, add some chilled sour cream, a squeeze of lime, and some chopped cilantro. Pickled onions may be a pleasant addition as well. These simple extras add a fresh surprising element to an otherwise warm and savory dish.

Oftentimes, eating a frozen burrito is usually more enjoyable when consumed with a few delicious sides as well. Why not serve your warmed burritos with a spoonful of classic fresh guacamole or homemade queso? You can also serve up your favorite steamed vegetable or beans and rice with your hot burritos. There are a number of delicious ways you can elevate frozen burritos. For a quick, satisfying twist the next time these convenient prepared foods are on your weekly menu, turn them into a frozen burrito casserole for a quick and delicious upgrade.