Fix The Texture Of Canned Soup With Just One Kitchen Tool

Because it's not always feasible to whip up a pot of homemade soup at a moment's notice, canned soup offers a convenient alternative for quick appetizers, lunches, and dinners. And you don't even have to sacrifice quality flavor and texture with canned brands when you have access to a trusty blender. Blending canned soups is a quick and easy way to elevate your already simple meal, as blending creates a silky-smooth texture that will rival even the best homemade soups to come out of your kitchen.

This tip works best for soups with vegetable or bean bases, as a blender can break down these ingredients and fully integrate them into the brothy mixture. You can also adjust your blending technique to ensure the thickness of the soup matches your taste preferences. Keep in mind that many canned varieties of soup can be a bit thick and gloopy, and blending can help create a smoother texture than if you simply heated the soup on your stovetop before serving. However, you can utilize another technique if you prefer your soup to be a little chunky.

How to achieve the perfect soup texture

Blending the entire can of soup will achieve the perfect velvety texture, but you may want to retain some of the delicious chunky morsels to ensure a toothsome experience. In this case, you should only blend half of the soup and incorporate the blended portion back into the rest.

Start by heating the soup on the stovetop per the instructions on the can. Once the soup is properly heated, pour half of the can into the blender. When pouring, make sure you're incorporating liquid as well as chunky bits, otherwise the texture may not be to your liking. Keep blending the soup until it's creamy, rich, and smooth. Once you've created the desired texture, you can now take the blended soup and pour it back into the pot. After blending, stirring the soup in the pot will ensure the portions coalesce beautifully. You can also incorporate this helpful blending tip with added ingredients for an enhancement of both flavor and texture.

Elevate canned soup further by adding more ingredients

Along with texture issues, some canned brands of soup can be a little lackluster when it comes to flavor. Fortunately, you can combine the blending hack with certain ingredients for an improved taste, in addition to achieving creamy smoothness. Just be sure to add the new ingredients before you blend the soup for the best results. In a hurry and don't have time to run to the store? Your refrigerator may contain exactly what you need to fancify canned soup.

Southwestern-style canned soups, such as black bean and vegetable, can be greatly enhanced by the addition of pureed avocado. Along with creating a creamier texture, avocado will also impart an earthy, grassy flavor. You can also consider making a quick roux, which entails cooking flour with some type of fat, such as oil or butter. While a light roux will have a very mild flavor, a brown roux has a toastier flavor profile because the fat and flour are cooked longer. 

If you want a truly bold flavor and are lucky enough to have miso in your pantry, it also makes a great canned soup accompaniment. Miso is a fermented paste that typically consists of soybeans, grains, salt, and koji mold, with a texture similar to peanut butter. No matter which enhancement you choose, it's a good idea to add ingredients in small amounts to ensure you don't accidentally make your soup thicker than you prefer.