How Many Glasses Of Lemon Water Should You Really Have In A Day?

One of the most popular guidelines regarding human health is that you must drink eight glasses of water a day to avoid dehydration. While it is essential to stay hydrated — especially because we can lose nearly three liters of water an hour – eight full glasses can feel excessive. It can even seem more like a chore than a choice for those who don't fancy water's neutral taste. So, how much do we really need to drink, and how do we make it more enjoyable?

To summarize, you do not need to consume 64 ounces of water daily. This theory arose from an unfounded and outdated suggestion by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board in 1945. Instead, water intake differs for everyone. Medications, weight, age, physical activity, and health are all personal factors that influence how much an individual needs. However, a general rule of thumb is to drink between 32 and 48 ounces (4-6 cups); food and other beverages can increase our hydration based on their nutritional value.

Sliced lemon is one of the best things you can include in your water. Not only does it give you an adequate dose of daily vitamins and potassium, but it encourages digestion and collagen production. This leads to stronger hair, tougher nails, more radiant skin, and overall, a more hydrated and boosted well-being. It's also generally tasty and refreshing. But as the common saying goes, there can always be too much of a good thing.

Excessive intake of lemon-infused water can cause acid reflux and damage your teeth

Lemons, of course, are highly acidic fruits. They fall just below gastric acid – the fluid that breaks down the food in our stomachs – and battery acid on the pH scale. They are often used for cleaning and restoration, and when mixed with water, they have fantastic nutritional benefits. If you drink lemon water daily, that's perfectly okay. It can help you retain clear skin and aid in weight loss. Still, it can cause harm to your health when drunk in excess.

Lemon water should be reduced to only one or two glasses a day. Any more, and you risk damaging your enamel. This protective layer helps your teeth regulate varying temperatures from food and beverages and keeps them safe from physical harm. Unfortunately, it can't be completely repaired once it's been damaged. Excessive citric acid can also lead to open sores or ulcers in the mouth, which can become painful and make it hard to eat. Lastly, acid reflux can occur when too many fatty or highly acidic foods are consumed. This may lead to deep burning in the chest or heart, excessive gas, and vomiting. 

Apple cider vinegar has been known to replicate the taste and benefits of lemon-infused water. And while it can help maintain a weight loss-centered diet or reduce cholesterol, too much apple cider vinegar can similarly damage your enamel, increase acid reflux, and prevent your body from absorbing the nutrients it needs.

Different fruits have varying benefits

Drinking fruit-infused water can be a great way to start this healthy and hydrating habit. However, before you start, it's important to determine the benefits you hope to seek from it. Do you want to simply hydrate more? Or are you looking for ways to increase your metabolism? Do you just enjoy the taste? How about added nutrients? The answers to these questions can help determine which fruit would pair best with your overall goal.

Take cucumbers, for example. Fresh cucumber water is often seen inside spas, primarily to signify that you are in a place of relaxation –- and rightfully so. Cucumbers symbolize restoration and rejuvenation and can effectively communicate these messages to your body as well. Outside of being refreshing, cucumber water is excellent for clearing the skin, detoxing, and garnering a high supply of vitamins. With this in mind, cucumber water may be the perfect match if you're looking for supple skin and a handy aid in your weight loss journey. Feel free to add lemon or fresh rosemary to your glass!

Strawberries and kiwis are great for boosting your immune system. They are packed with antioxidants and can help combat disease. However, you don't have to stick to fruit-infused ice water if you don't want to. Hot herbal tea, including mint or green tea, is a wonderful source of nutrient-filled water that can help relieve migraines or headaches. It can also help with stomach cramps and alleviate cold symptoms.