The Lime Variety You Should Be Using More Often

Most everyone has used limes in one way or another, whether they've used the juice for a cake, vinaigrette (or other salad dressing), risotto, or pasta. That's the beauty of these green citrus fruits; their versatility allows them to be used in an array of sweet and savory fare. In addition to being very useful in the kitchen, limes are incredibly healthy for you. They're filled with nutrients and antioxidants, specifically vitamin C, which is thought to improve the immune system (via Healthline). With their versatility and health benefits, it's easy to understand why many people incorporate limes into their diets.

According to US Citrus, there are more than 20 types of limes. Many of these lime varieties differ in several characteristics, including color, texture, and flavor. For example, some limes, such as Persian limes, have milder juice, while others, such as Mexican limes, have tart and tangy juice. Though both of the aforementioned limes are great for culinary purposes, there's one specific lime variety that you should be cooking with more often.

Add Makrut limes to your shopping list

Native to the Indo-Malayan region of Asia, Makrut limes are a small, globular fruit known for their bumpy and wrinkly exterior. This variety's appearance may initially seem a bit off-putting, but it is extremely beneficial in the kitchen. Their bumpy rind is particularly helpful, as it can be chopped up and combined with other ingredients to create pastes for a variety of dishes, including curries and stews. You can also sprinkle a number of different foods and beverages, such as salad dressing and vodka, with the zest of Makrut limes.

The rind and zest aren't the only useful components of Makrut limes, though. Their juice is great for making sauces and marinades. Makrut lime juice is fairly sour and acidic. When incorporated into a sauce, the sourness offers a rich flavor that becomes even more complex when paired with sweet components. When used in marinades, the juice's acidity imparts tenderness and a delicate citrus flavor to the meat. However, US Citrus points out that Makrut limes don't actually have a large amount of juice, which prompts many people to use them for their leaves. Like the lime's rind, the leaves are cooked with soup or meat to give the food a citrusy flavor.

How to store Makrut limes

Because Makrut limes are so flavorful and versatile, you'll definitely want to know how to store them properly. There are a few different storage methods to choose from, but before you pick one, you should determine how long you're going to need the fruit. They can rest on your kitchen counter for about five days, so if you're planning on using them soon, you can simply put them in a fruit bowl. However, if you need them to stay fresh for a bit longer, place them in an airtight container before refrigerating them. This will preserve them for roughly two weeks. If two weeks still isn't long enough for you, store the limes in the freezer, which should keep them fresh for about three months.

If you plan to invest in Makrut lime leaves, you can store them similarly to how you would store the lime. Place them in a tightly sealed bag and put them in the crisper of your refrigerator if you're going to use them within a few days, according to Twisted Citrus. For long-term use, pop them in the freezer, where they'll last for an indefinite period of time. With these storage hacks, you'll be able to ensure that you're using fresh Makrut limes in your food.