Here Are The Best Days Of The Week To Buy Fresh Fish

When it comes to a healthy diet, fish is a flavorful and wholesome addition. According to Healthline, eating fish regularly is associated with a variety of amazing benefits. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in many types of fish may reduce your risk of health conditions like heart disease and type 1 diabetes. Fish is also a great source of vitamin D and many other essential nutrients that support numerous bodily functions.

In addition to health benefits, fish can also be prepared in lots of tasty ways, making it an ideal choice for family dinners. However, many people wonder whether they should buy fresh or frozen fish when shopping. While convenient, frozen fish can exhibit some quality issues if storage is not sufficient. Per Insider, fish that's been frozen for too long can experience texture problems that can leave it overly soft and mushy after cooking. While buying fresh seafood is a good option if you want unbeatable quality, you'll also need to time your shopping trips correctly to find the best selections.

Take it from a world-renowned, master chef

When it comes to sourcing the best and freshest ingredients, professional chefs can offer lots of insight. Consider that chefs must purchase raw ingredients every single day, which means they quickly become accustomed to best practices. Take Anthony Bourdain, for instance, who was best known for working in many prestigious restaurants and hosting wildly popular TV shows that featured his culinary treks around the world. While Bourdain is sadly no longer with us, he was not shy about imparting his immense wisdom during his extraordinary career.

Quoting from Bourdain's second memoir "Medium Raw," Insider explains that the celebrity chef had some very strong opinions about which days of the week to buy fish. His insights are based on his time spent working in New York City restaurants, which entailed making purchases from a local fish market on a regular basis. Because the market was closed during the weekend, chefs would make most of their purchases on Thursdays, which means the best days to purchase seafood from restaurants was Thursday through Sunday. When fish markets follow similar schedules, the freshest catches and greatest variety can also be found on those days at restaurants and retailers. In addition to shopping for seafood on the right day, there are other tips that will help you find the freshest catch possible.

How to shop for fresh seafood like a pro

Speaking with a professional fisherman with over 50 years of experience under his belt, CNBC recounts some important things to look for when shopping for fish. When assessing the fish counter at a grocery store, consider how many other shoppers there are around you. More shoppers mean a faster turnover of inventory, which is crucial for quality products. Additionally, the place shouldn't smell overwhelmingly of fish, as pungent odors indicate that the catches are not fresh.

The US Food & Drug Administration also offers some tips on how to ensure satisfaction when purchasing fish. Fillets should be uniformly colored, without dark spots or dried-out areas, while whole fish must have clear eyes and healthy gills that appear red. As for shellfish, look for pearly skin that is almost translucent in color to ensure freshness. Also, fresh seafood must be properly refrigerated while on display. This usually entails products being presented on a bed of ice under a glass covering or being kept in a sufficiently cooled display case. The right conditions ensure your selection will make a tasty and wholesome meal.