The Secret Ingredient To Give Your Salsa Extra Crunch

The purest form of salsa combines the exquisite flavors of tomatoes, onions, and chilies (via Cambridge Dictionary). While all are delicious in their own right, something about this blend makes our taste buds sing. When a little cilantro and citrus are added, true magic happens.

This base salsa verde is so versatile that it accompanies all manner of dishes, from steak to vegan tacos. Even better, modern salsa recipes can include mangoes, cranberries, pineapple, or even pumpkin. These ingredients create unique flavor profiles that must be tasted to be appreciated and increase salsa's already high nutritional value.

Tomatoes are recognized for their vitamin and mineral content and their heart-healthy antioxidant Lycopene (via USDA), and onions are a great source of minerals and micronutrients. But the news only gets better from there.

In an American Heart Association 2020 Scientific Sessions report, research suggests that regular consumption of chili peppers can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 26%, cancer by 23%, and general mortality rates by 25%. In short, those chilies in your salsa may help increase longevity.

With so much versatility along with added health benefits, what could possibly be added to make salsa even better? One ingredient commonly found in many kitchens adds color and texture to salsa. For some reason, though, it's frequently overlooked.

Here's how to create extra crunchy homemade salsa that will make you the hero of any social gathering. 

Adding punch and crunch to your salsa

By adding one more ingredient to your favorite salsa recipes, you can make it even healthier and give it a textural element and subtle sweetness that takes it to an entirely new level. What is this secret salsa ingredient? Bell peppers.

Sweet bell peppers added to salsa gives it a pleasing crunch that holds up even when other elements start to become soggy. They also add a healthy dose of carotenoids and other antioxidants, including vitamins A and K (via USDA), that can aid your overall health.

Beyond this, their gentle flavor enhances the other natural ingredients without overpowering them. Of course, exactly how it affects the taste of your salsa will depend on how much you add and on the particular bell peppers you use.

Not all bell peppers are created equal, and their taste can vary significantly. 

Picking bell peppers for crunchy salsa

All bell peppers are essentially the same fruit. Yes, according to the Journal of Food Comparison and Composition, bell peppers are a fruit. Their colors vary depending on how long they are allowed to mature on the vine. 

As Jessica Rice, a dietetic intern at Mississippi State University, explained in a radio interview, the fruit also becomes sweeter and more nutritious as it matures. If you prefer your salsa a little sweeter or nutrition is your primary concern, go for deep orange or red capsicum. Green bell peppers are for you if you like a slightly bitter edge but maximum crunch. In between, there is a world of variations to explore.

A few other possibilities that you might want to consider for adding extra crunch and depth of flavor to your salsa recipes might include cucumbers, apples, or even corn. Each brings its own unique character and nutritional benefits to the table. The next time you make salsa, why not add something extra for a delightful crunch?