What Is Steelhead Trout?

Steelhead trout is a member of the salmon family that is commonly fished for sport in the United States. It is related to (and similar in many ways to) the rainbow trout, but steelhead trout are slightly larger, are less colorful, and live in a slightly different environment (rainbow trout spend their entire life in fresh water, while steelhead trout spend a portion of their life in the sea).

Many United States steelhead trout are farm-raised in an ecologically responsible manner, making this fish a great choice for anyone seeking sustainable seafood options. Plus, this trout is similar to salmon in taste and texture, making it an easy fish to cook with.

If you're looking for an easy steelhead trout recipe, simply rub the fish with a mixture of brown sugar and spices like salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder and then cook it on the grill for up to 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish.

Click here for our delicious lemon roasted steelhead trout recipe.

Kristie Collado is The Daily Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.