Watch Watermelon, Orange Juice Literally Bring Color Into A Man's Life
In a little video interlude to take a break from all the happenings this week, this viral video caught our eyes because it's almost Pleasantville like.
In this artsy stop motion video, Israeli artist Eran Amir starts off his video in black and white, and then slowly incorporates color in. The surprising thing? No color correction was used; the entire video was shot in color.
Instead Amir, paints himself and his apartment in shades of gray, then gradually brings the color back. First, pour orange juice. Then turn a Coca-Cola bottle around to reveal the bright red label. Then slice a watermelon. Add a bowl of fruit, change the painting in the background, blow up a balloon. Eventually the whole thing becomes a full-color photo, as Amir rubbs off his face paint and changes his clothes. It'll be a neat trick for your next themed-party (a black-and-white movie, perhaps?)
Watch the magic below.