Temporary Tattoos May Save Lives
Food allergies in children are on the rise and can have fatal consequences. In the U.S. alone approximately 3 million children under the age of 18 suffer from some form of food allergy, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control in 2007.
Now parents of young children with these allergies can breathe a little easier. Safety Tat, a new line of temporary tattoos created by Maryland mother Michele Welsch, provides parents with a way to protect their kids even when the children are away from home.
These colorful tattoos boast an attention-grabbing illustration that clearly indicates the child's allergy, as well as personalized text that can include an emergency phone number or instructions for what should happen should the child come into contact with an allergen.
Young children are not always able to speak up to supervising adults about their allergies, so these three-day tattoos could have life saving potential.
The tattoos are also available for children who suffer from diabetes and other life-threatening illnesses.