Soundwich Serves Sandwiches With Soundtracks
Sure, music sommeliers are kind of ridiculous (just make a Pandora station or something!), but this idea is kind of genius.
Portuguese sandwich shop Soundwich has based their business off chef's sandwich creations, plus their impeccable music taste. The store offers seven "soundwiches," served in music-playing metal lunchboxes.
"When the buyer opens that box, he or she is treated to a musical accompaniment for the tasty treat within," the website says.
Some sample pairings? A chicken breast with mozzarella, bacon, and pesto is served to the soundtrack of Louis Armstrong's "Cheek to Cheek," while a pork and curry, apple, and raisins sandwich is set to "As Time Goes By."
Each sandwich is €7.5, which is about $9.50, which isn't too bad when you consider that 'wichcraft's sandwiches hover right around that price range. Check out the website for more samples of sandwich and song pairings (Google translate is needed), and figure out how to start a lunchtime dance party in your office.