School Is Out For The Summer But Healthy Eating Is Not
For many children across the country, school represents a primary meal source. 32 million children are on The National School Lunch Program and almost 12 million are also on the School Breakfast Program. So what happens when school lets out?
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), run by the Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA), works to ensure children ages 18 or under from low-income families can stay full and healthy over summer break.
Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) recently reminded Ohio residents that the program is available. The meals on the SFSP must meet the federal nutrition guidelines, and are completely free of cost.
According to Share Our Strength's No Kid Hungry, 16 million children in the United States regularly suffer from hungry. And "six out of seven low-income kids who eat a free or reduced-price school lunch during the academic year do not get a free meal during the summer." Spread the word and click here to locate one of the SFSP's sites. Or, click here to get involved and help sponsor the program.