Rare Parasite Sickens 300 And More News
The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.
Art Ginsburg Passes Away: The deli owner behind legendary Art's Deli in Los Angeles' Studio City passed away at the age of 78. [LA Observed]
Outbreak Sickens 300: Don't panic, but at least 275 people have suffered from a rare foodborne parasite called cyclospora, in Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Wisconsin, Georgia, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, and New Jersey. The source is unknown. [Food Quality News/CBS]
Daniel Boulud Responds to Review: The chef and restaurateur tweeted, "Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support 2 me & our team @DANIEL_E65thNYC We are proud to show New York the best *** you'll ever see." [Twitter]
Milk Portrait of Bruce Lee: The latest in food portraits: milk to create "Bruce Lait." Also from the artist? La Snoop Doggy Crèpe. Genius. [Grub Street]
Japan's New Burger: No more kissing; Burger King Japan will offer two garlic-themed burgers for the summer, including the Double Garlic Cheese with fried garlic, and a Garlic Meat Beast, with a beef Whopper patty, seasoned pork patty, and a chicken breast fillet. Oi. [Brand Eating]