Queen Of Snacks
It's just 2 weeks out of the school year; but, those weeks-marked in red on my calendar- loom like a visit to an oral surgeon who doesn't believe in Novocaine. What could possibly be that bad? Snack week- that's what.
When you are the Queen of Snacks, there is no royal kingdom, bejeweled crown, or minions to command. No, you are simply responsible for 20 kindergarteners' mid-morning nibbleys, their juice, their paper products, oh, and lettuce- lots of it- for the class turtle. And, this isn't just for one day; oh no, it's a whole week, baby! To make matters worse, you have to factor in all the kids' allergies and pick snacks that won't incite the wrath of the parents that are health Nazis. Oreo's just don't cut it. "Could you bring in hand-made gluten-free crackers with organic cheese from your goat that you keep in the garage?" is more like it. Grrrr.... And, if you have a child like mine, she wants a say in the snacks that "she" is bringing. She doesn't understand why lollipops are not appropriate, why chocolate chip cookies are a no-no.
So, what's a mom to do? A trip to the market is very unsatisfying: Goldfish- filled with unsaturated fats according to Nazi mom...grapes-choking hazard...microwave popcorn-no microwave in the classroom...pretzels- okay, that's one day down. Now, you start thinking, "no one ever says no to a baked good..." Here is one option that will please everyone-including you! In fact, you have to be careful that it doesn't disappear before it gets to the classroom!