Australian Man Catches Gigantic Mud Crab With Bare Hands

People will go to great lengths to get the best eats, including one man in Australia who dove head-first into a mud hole to get his hands on a massive crab.

Beau Greaves, who lives in Queensland, posted a video of his catch on Facebook, which has since received more than one million views, 8,000 shares, and 12,000 likes.

Greaves begins the video by explaining his method: Using a stick, he draws the crab up toward his hand to grab and voila, he's landed himself a crustacean. However, it's easier said than done — Greaves dives even further into the hole, leaving his legs dangling in the air, and he has to receive help from the cameraman to pull him out. The end result? A huge crab with a body bigger than his hand.

As Greaves explains in the caption of his video, it's taken a lot of practice to bravely catch crabs with his bare hands.

"Been bitten twice, nearly lost a finger and been close to having my wrist crushed, but I guess the more you do it the better you get at it," Greaves wrote.

Why would someone risk losing fingers over mud crabs? To some, they're considered some of the best shellfish in Australia, with moist meat found in the claws and body. According to, mud crabs in the Northern Territory and Queensland are considered part of Australia's "best seafood experiences."

Read more on The Daily Meal's step-by-step guide to picking a crab here.