Inspiring 5-Year-Old Empties Piggy Bank To Buy Classmates Milk
A five-year-old girl from Michigan warmed the Internet's collective heart this week when she emptied out her own piggy bank to try to buy milk for a friend who couldn't afford it. Now her story has touched so many people that her whole class will have milk for at least a year.
According to CBS News, five-year-old Sunshine Oelfke's grandmother found her emptying out her piggy bank and counting all her money into little piles. When she asked what the little girl was up to, Sunshine said she was taking the money to school to buy milk for her friend.
"I'm going to take it for milk money. I'm taking it for my friend Layla," she explained. "She doesn't get milk — her mom doesn't have milk money and I do."
Sunshine's grandmother wasn't going to tell her she couldn't do that, so they drove to the school so Sunshine could put her $30 in nickels, dimes, quarters, and some bills towards her friend's milk account.
After dropping her off, Sunshine's grandmother told Facebook about the amazing, sweet, selfless thing her granddaughter had done. She was crying in the video, and a lot of people were touched by the kindergartener's generosity. When people started asking if they could donate to buy milk for the kids who couldn't afford it, she started a GoFundMe campaign.
Milk costs 45 cents a carton at Sunshine's school. There are 20 kids in the class, and about half of those don't get milk. Milk for all 20 kids costs about $180 a month. Sunshine's grandmother was originally hoping to raise $700 to cover the cost of milk for the rest of the semester, but the campaign has already raised more than $7,400 in 11 days. That means any of the five-year-olds who want milk during class will be able to have it for at least the rest of the year, and this is definitely going down as one of the most inspiring food stories of 2017.