10 'Spring Cleaning' Detox Diets That Will Wash Away Winter Toxins Slideshow
Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse
Although scientific research has failed to truly demonstrate the benefits of ACV, many people swear by its medicinal properties. It is claimed to be a natural antibacterial that fights off disease and strengthens the immune system, as well as rebalancing vitamin deficiencies caused by an unhealthy diet. Try drinking a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed into water before meals, or add it to salad dressings to consume with lunch and dinner.
Ayurvedic Cleanse
A centuries-old eating regimen, the ayurvedic cleanse is believed to remove physical impurities from the body and declutter the mind. The cleanse has three phases: the purva karma (the preparation phase), the pancha karma (the cleansing phase), and the rejuvenation phase. The initial phase involves eliminating any sweets, stimulations, and dairy products; the second phase requires the elimination of all solid foods and the consumption of an herbal drink of water, cumin, coriander powder, cardamom pods, fennel seeds, black pepper, and fresh ginger. Supplements are recommended at this stage to balance out any nutritional deficiencies. Finally, the rejuvenation phase calls for reincorporating simple whole grains and vegetables back into the diet. Before attempting this cleanse, speak with a doctor to ensure you aren't at any risk.
Brown Rice Cleanse
There's nothing more satisfying than spoonfuls of thoroughly cooked brown rice, but mushy whole-grains are the foundation of the brown rice cleanse. This diet is very high in fiber, and will (allegedly) remove toxins, chemicals, and heavy metals from your system. The diet can get pretty monotonous: It only includes brown rice, steamed vegetables, veggie sticks, fruit (except bananas), and as much liquid as you can stomach. Brown rice might not be the most exiting of foods, but here are three ways to make this whole grain taste really good.
Candida Cleanse
Never heard of Candida albicans? Well some believe this fungus to be the cause of many health ailments from fatigue and weight gain to joint pain and bloating. The "Candida Cleanse" is designed to eliminate the fungus overgrowth through the introduction of beneficial bacteria. Factors that contribute to Candida growth are poor diet, smoking, stress, and antibiotics. The cleanse isn't as rigid as the Master Cleanse, because it allows participants to eat solid food. It does, however, call for the elimination of fruits, nuts, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine from the diet. Probiotics are also required to reestablish a healthy colony of bacteria in the intestines.
Colon Cleanse
Nothing says "spring cleaning" like a freshly flushed out colon. The colon is responsible for extracting nutrients from digested foods and excreting the resulting waste, but it's also home to billions of beneficial bacteria that help with nutrient absorption, controlling hunger, and maintaining pH balance. People who experience constipation or fail to make at least one bowel movement per day should consider a colon cleanse. The diet involves lots of whole grains rich in insoluble fiber, which doesn't break down in water and helps relieve constipation, as well as green foods with high chlorophyll content, such as alfalfa, wheat grass, or spirulina.
Green Juice Cleanse
Purge away the toxins by abstaining from all solid foods for 10 days. Sounds inviting, right? Well, the logic behind a green juice cleanse is that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables build up the red blood cells in the body and "clean" the blood. This is supposed to result in a number of benefits like weight loss, clearer skin, and even improved memory. To go on a green-juice cleanse (it's really more of a fast), you should remove any form of junk-food temptations in your pantry. Many green juice recipes exist, but a staple concoction involves cucumber, kale, celery stalks, lemon juice, ginger root, and apples.
Liver Cleanse
If you're a fan of frequent libations, then consider a liver cleanse. The liver is responsible for filtering alcohol from the blood, and a liver cleanse is believed to help this vital organ function more efficiently. The cleanse uses apple juice to soften and remove gall stones, which aid in digestion. Fresh apple juice should be consumed for three days, with only a few raw fruits and vegetables supplementing the diet. After the apple juice phase, drink a mixture of Epsom salts, olive oil, fresh grapefruit juice, and lemon juice. A more palatable liver cleanse can be achieved by eating high-fiber fruits along with vegetables rich in sulfur, such as legumes, cabbage, garlic, and onions.
Master Cleanse
Beyonce made the "Master Cleanse" famous after using it to rapidly drop weight for her role in Dreamgirls. The Master Cleanse, however, is not for everyone due to its highly restrictive nature. Participants are only allowed to consume an elixir of fresh lemon juice, pure maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. This concoction is drunk in place of any meals — resulting in around six to 12 glasses daily. Advocates for the Master Cleanse say that it allows you to overcome the psychological desire to eat and institutes a higher degree of personal control and discipline.
Model Detox Diet
Any eating regimen with the words "model" and "diet" together will raise some eyebrows, but this one isn't really that strict. A lot of foods are off limits, like alcohol, animal products, nuts, and coffee, but at least you're allowed to eat somewhat solid food. Breakfast usually involves a smoothie bowl or other version of a fruit puree, while lunch and dinner is usually nothing more than a vegetable soup. The soups allow for a lot of different variation, as long as vegetables are the base. For inspiration here are the 101 best soups for all seasons.
pH Cleanse
To function properly, the body must maintain a healthy balance of acidity and alkalinity. An internal pH balance too far below seven (7.3 is considered optimal) is too acidic, which can put stress on organs and weaken bones. Avoid coffee, alcohol, sugar, and bleached white flour, and instead consume raw, leafy vegetables to naturally rebalance your pH levels. Alkaline-forming foods include asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, avocado, lemon, tofu, and almonds.