Make Your Next Barbecue Chock-Full Of Family Fun

From Meredith Sinclair, Juicy Juice Family Time Expert and author of "Well Played: The Ultimate Guide to Awakening Your Family's Playful Spirit."

Memorial Day is fast approaching, and many associate the long weekend with the official start of summer. With warmer weather and kids out from school comes more outdoor entertaining, BBQs and family picnics. Below are four tips to pass the time this holiday. In order to make the most of the beautiful weather, I am sharing my tips for outdoor family fun.

1. Having a Party? Don't Forget the Kids' Drink Table: Next time you are hosting a BBQ or entertaining, create a special DIY drink station for the kids. Spice things up a bit beyond a cooler filled with juice boxes and water, and have kids make a party punch. My favorite is the Juicy Juice kids' sangria. At the table, include a few craft supplies for them to decorate their cup and make a drink umbrella, which always adds a festive touch.

2. Prep for the Party Together: Everything is more fun when you do it together. When meal planning for your party get the kids involved too. Encourage them to help you prep in the kitchen or pick out an appetizer that's 100% made by them. The Juicy Juice website has a lot of easy-to-make summertime recipes that kids can help whip up.

3. Outdoor Play for All Ages: Many parents think running around the backyard or taking a turn on the playground swings is just for kids, but adults can enjoy the positive effects of play too! One of my favorite memories is when my boys created their own version of "backyard baseball," and asked me and my husband to sub in as extra players. It turned into some friendly competition and a fun day for the whole family! Whether it is a kids vs. parents water balloon fight or impromptu hula hoop contest, jump in during play time and get active with your kids.

4. DIY Frozen Treats: Everyone on the block sells lemonade or iced tea, but what kid or adult can resist the urge of a homemade frozen treat? Did you know that if you freeze a juice box it turns into the perfect ice pop? Throw a bunch of juice boxes in the freezer and when frozen solid, cut the bottom. Voila, you have a perfect handheld, less drip pop! My boys also love this recipe for Berry Shaved Ice- it's easy and FUN to make!

Have your own tips for outdoor fun for the whole family? Share with us on social @JuicyJuiceUSA.

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