The Daily Dish: This Pizzeria Is Handing Out Free Pizza To Anyone Dressed As Princess Leia

This Pizzeria Is Handing Out Free Pizza to Anyone Dressed as Princess Leia

Since the announcement of Carrie Fisher's death — best known for her role as the strong and daring Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy — tributes to the late actress have been popping up all over. At Champion Pizza in New York City, you'll get a free slice of pizza if you come in dressed up as the famous Alderaan princess. The owner of the pizzeria, Hakki Akdeniz, is a lifelong Star Wars superfan. He told Pix11 that Fisher actually stopped by for pizza one time and left a $100 tip. "She was such a sweetheart," he said.

How to Make Red Wine Shot Glasses Out of Molded Cheese

A recipe video for Cheddar cheese shot glasses filled with wine was recently posted on PopSugar, and it's gotten quite a bit of attention. The bright yellow "shot glasses" have divided food mashup fans: Is it pure genius or just plain gross? You can check out the entire process on PopSugar's Instagram page here, but for brevity's sake the entire process boils down to pouring melted Cheddar cheese into shot glass molds, chilling them until they solidify again, and then pouring wine directly into the hollowed-out cheesy shell. The video has received 15,000 comments between Instagram and Facebook — criticisms range from "how about no!" to "this looks so disgusting."

California Man Fights Caffeine-Based DUI Charge

One man is vehemently fighting a DUI charge after being pulled over in Solano County, California. Apparently, the only influence he was under was a lot of coffee. The man, Joseph Schwab, is going to trial to fight the DUI charge and misdemeanor with evidence from a blood test that only came back positive for caffeine. Solano County's District Attorney office maintains that Schwab was not given the misdemeanor based on the presence of caffeine in his bloodstream, The Guardian reported. Can driving while "under the influence" of a strong cup of Starbucks joe put you at risk for a DUI charge? In California, where the laws on the subject are ambiguous, it's technically possible. Drugs in a DUI charge are defined as "any substance other than alcohol that could affect your nervous system, brain or muscles." Caffeine's effects impact the nervous system, so under California law, Schwab may be out of luck.

More Than 10,000 Partygoers Leave 16 Tons of Garbage on a Sydney Beach

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with friends and family, but partygoers at the traditional Christmas Day celebration at Coogee Beach in Randwick, Australia, may have gone overboard this year. More than 10,000 partied at the beach, leaving behind more than 16 tons of trashThe New York Times reported. Residents near the beaches of Sydney have long battled with the excessive partying of tourists. At Bondi Beach, another popular tourist spot in Sydney, alcohol consumption was also banned. 

Taking Fish Oil While Pregnant Could Lower a Baby's Risk of Asthma

A study in Denmark found that taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy possibly decreased the risk of wheezing disorders in children. The study observed 736 pregnant women in their third trimester, with one group taking 2.4 grams of fish oil (15 to 20 times more than what most Americans consume) and another group taking a placebo. Results showed that of the children whose mothers took the fish oil supplements, 16.9 percent had asthma by age 3. By comparison, 23.7 percent of children whose mothers did not take fish oil developed asthma during the same time period. Before making any definitive links between fish oil and asthma reduction in children, the study should be replicated with mothers taking fish oil earlier on in their pregnancies, Dr. Hans Bisgaard, the lead author of the study, told The New York Times in an email.