Easy Brunch Tip: DIY Oatmeal Bar
When hosting brunch, especially a booze-filled, weekend one, things can tend to get caloric. In honor of National Oatmeal Day, October 29, we're here to offer oat-inspired suggestions for your next late morning or early afternoon gathering.
Everyone has a certain way they take their oatmeal: some like it with water, some like it with milk, some like it wetter, and some like it thicker.
To please all your guests, cook up steel-cut oats with both water and milk and create a bar with all of the right fixings:
• Bananas
• Berry medley
• Cinnamon
• Brown Sugar
• Chocolate chips
• Granola
• Apples
After your guests have created their ideal morning mix, add a drizzle of something sweet:
• Caramel
• Nutella
• Honey
• Agave
• Peanut Butter
Your guests will enjoy the healthy menu option and will appreciate it even more when they find they're energized throughout the day.
Here's another tip: use any leftover uncooked oats and fixings to create oatmeal bars to take with you on the go!
For fantastic oatmeal recipes from The Daily Meal, head here.