Drink Like Robert Pattinson
In just a few short hours we'll be able to drool all over Robert Pattinson in the new Twilight film. And while most teenage fangirls would rather see R-Patz drink blood (that is what vampires do, right?), we'd rather see what he drinks off-screen. So what does he drink? Answer: everything most 26-year-old dudes drink.
Vodka: This last week, Pattinson showed up on Jimmy Kimmel Live perhaps a bit more tipsy than he should have been, and admitted to having some vodka backstage. He told Kimmel he felt like a clown in his too-big shoes, and that the vodka wasn't helping with his balance much. To which Kimmel replied: "That's why clowns don't get drunk." Was R-Patz blowing off some nerves?
Water: Then Pattinson engaged in a water war with Kimmel. One can only assume he got a little bit of a taste when it was thrown in his face, right?
Whiskey and Soda: When he's not drinking vodka, he's reaching for the whiskey soda combination at the bar (newsflash: the guy likes to hang out in Brooklyn — take note, Twihards).
Beer: Back during the K-Stew cheating debacle, Pattinson was seen drowning his sorrows in beer, with some fratty bros in Sydney. Hey, whatever works.
Wine: News reports say he likes to wine and dine with his now on-again (we think) girlfriend Kristen Stewart, but no one's quite sure what his particular wine of choice is. At least there's a R-Patz wine glass on Etsy to keep us cozy on a night in.