Dips That Break The Mold

Here at The Daily Meal, we're all about breaking culinary barriers. We love dream mash-ups, restaurants in curious locations, and menus that are out-of-this-world creative. So, it should come as no surprise, then, that for one of the simplest crowd-pleasers — dip —those run-of-the-mill flavors just aren't hacking it anymore. 

Check out these out-of-the-box party dips!

While we love crudité, appreciate a nice scoop of freshly made guacamole and a crunchy tortilla, and really can't resist a Ruffle and a smear of French onion dip during the big game, we're pretty sure we can do better than that.

So we've come up with a hefty selection for you to choose from, some from our own archives and some from our favorite blogs and sites. Sweet and savory, cheap and expensive — these bowls of scoopable heaven are just dying for a try at your next party. Getting excited? Well, click through for tangy Reuben dip, a surefire guy-favorite burger dip, and even a kid-friendly cookie dough dip just screaming for a spoon.