Foods That Will "Kill The Mood" On Valentine's Day
Foods That Will “Kill the Mood” on Valentine’s Day
Romantic dinners and treats are a fail-safe way to impress your sweetheart on Valentine's Day, but your plans can backfire if you choose a meal that ruins "the mood" and leaves you feeling fatigued instead of feisty. Go into Valentine's Day dinner with a plan and serve food that whets your appetite for something more.
A little bit of alcohol makes you feel giddy and sexy, but more than a few drinks and you're sloppy and passed out, which is not cute.
Limit your alcohol intake with some non-alcoholic beverage recipes.
Bean, beans good for your heart... Although beans are super healthy (they may even help you help you live longer), they're not the best thing to eat before a romantic endeavor. Take the schoolyard chant seriously and avoid gas-inducing beans.
Fatty Meat
Good-quality meat is often prized for fat marbling, but Valentine's Day may be the one time you shouldn't go for a T-bone or New York strip steak. These fatty cuts of meat make you feel sleepy and bloated, and definitely not in the mood to do any physical activity. Go for lean proteins like chicken instead.
Fried Food
Not only will your fingers and face get all greasy, which doesn't actually enhance your sex appeal, but fried (and other types of greasy) food may contain trans-fats, which can stifle both men and women's libidos.
We mostly know licorice as a sweet candy, but it's made from the licorice root. While the candy contains relatively little of the actual plant, licorice root reduces testosterone levels, which are important for sex drive functionality in both men and women.
Marjoram is a calming herb that is used in aromatherapy to help treat anxiety and insomnia. These calming properties are not what you want to want to feel before engaging in physical activity.
Microwave Popcorn
The chemicals in microwaveable popcorn bags (the same ones found in some nonstick cookware) may lower sperm count and sex drive in men.
It's never healthy to overeat, but if you overdo it on Valentine's Day, your body will spend the whole evening processing the food and you'll be too sleepy to focus in the bedroom.
You may want to rethink romantically slurping pasta à la Lady and the Tramp this Valentine's Day. Carbs give you a quick boost of energy, but leave you bloated and tired after. Not exactly the mood you were originally going for.
Tofu, like all soy-based products, increases estrogen production, and consequently lowers testosterone and sex drive with it.