Buy A Good Steak Or Kitchen Gadget To Beat The Blues...Really
Dr. Joyce Brothers says it's normal to feel blue every so often.
"It's normal to feel down every now and then," says the famed psychologist. "Things like hormones and seasonal changes can trigger our mood swings."
If you are feeling depressed for more than two weeks, Dr. Brothers suggests that you see a doctor soon. But for the minor blues, that most of us experience on occasion, there are some self-help ways to get out of that psychological rut. Here are her ten tips to follow:
- Be Active. Clean your house or organize the kitchen drawers. Call someone you know would be pleased to hear from you.
- Indulge yourself. Buy a good steak or that expensive kitchen gadget.
- Write a letter to someone you have a grievance with, but never send it. It's a good release. By writing your gripes down, you can let off some steam and maybe even realize that the situation isn't as terrible as you thought.
- Exercise. Studies show that even just 15 minutes a day can help brighten your outlook on life.
- Read something funny. A comic book or humor novel may do the trick.
- Do something that's new for you. Take a walk in a place you've never visited before. If you're normally a silent shopper, strike up a conversation with someone in the supermarket.
- Fantasize. Find a peaceful place in your home and get comfortable. Visualize yourself in your idea of heaven- a tropical beach or lunch with your favorite movie star. Play it out in your head like a private movie. Before you know it, you'll be on top of the world!
- Listen to music. But be sure to make it as up-tempo as you can. Sad songs will only make things worse.
- Stay away from clothing stores. You'll make bad choices and regret it later. Purchase silly little things if you can't resist the urge to buy.
- Take a bubble bath. That goes for men, too. You'll feel like a million bucks after a nice soak in the tub.
— Jay Christian, author of Hollywood Diet & Exercise Secrets and Hollywood Celebrity Recipes. Copyright © 2013 Jay Christian All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.