Alia Hoyt

Photo of Alia Hoyt
Atlanta, GA
University Of Georgia
Hair Color Trends, Anti-aging Skin Protection, Fitness And Nutrition
  • A lifelong hair color aficionado, Alia has spent all kinds of time experimenting with various trends, both at home and with professionals. From highlights to full color, she's literally done it all in about every hue you can imagine. These days, she prefers to emphasize her natural silver/hybrid hair with glosses, toners, and styling products to bring out its full potential.
  • Alia has always made skin protection a priority, at least since a couple of ill-advised sunburns in her teens and 20s. She loves to interview experts for the most up-to-date information on the best ways to protect skin and prevent aging naturally. Medical-grade dermatology products are a newfound obsession, and you'll never catch her outside without a hat.
  • A firm believer that beauty radiates from the inside out, Alia has written dozens of articles on the best ways to maintain excellent fitness and nutrition habits. She's particularly focused on whole-food eating and enjoying treats in moderation. Alia loves to dabble in various exercise pursuits, including tennis, strength training, flexibility training, and of course regular cardio (but make no mistake, she is not a runner).


Alia made the jump to freelance writing after determining that a path in public relations just wasn't her jam. A lifelong creative type, she's found great joy and professional fulfillment during her nearly 20-year career writing for sites like HowStuffWorks, Animal Planet, TLC, Rent., ApartmentGuide, and many corporate and non-profit clients. She has also been published on Yahoo!, CNN, and Google Discover. Alia has always taken a special interest in topics that affect people on a day-to-day basis, particularly as it relates to wellness, self-confidence, and relationships, and she actively curates her client roster to reflect those areas of expertise.


Alia is a proud graduate of the prestigious Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. There, she earned a bachelor of arts degree in journalism, majoring in public relations.
The Daily Meal Editorial Policies

The Daily Meal’s content comes from an authoritative editorial staff that is dedicated to current and comprehensive coverage. With an aim to provide only informative and engaging content, our writers, editors, and experts take care to craft clear and concise copy on all things food-related, from news in the food service industry to in-depth explainers about what’s found in readers’ refrigerators, original recipes from experienced chefs, and more.

Our team also regularly reviews and updates articles as necessary to ensure they are accurate. For more information on our editorial process, view our full policies page.

Stories By Alia Hoyt