McDonald's China Gets Red And Green 'Angry Birds' Hamburger Buns

Everyone was surprised and amused when Burger King Japan introduced a creepy new all-black burger on a black hamburger bun, but now McDonald's China has gone a step further and rolled out some new Angry Birds-theme burgers that come on bright red or green buns.

According to Rocket News 24, two new sandwiches are being released as part of a promotion with the upcoming Angry Birds movie. One is a "Super Red" sandwich with two chicken patties, lettuce, and spicy red sauce on a bright red bun. The other is a "Naughty Green" burger made with a pork patty, a fried egg, and spicy green jalapeño sauce on a bright green bun.

Reactions to the photos of the new sandwiches have been mixed, with several online commenters opining that the green burger looked particularly unappetizing. The red one does not appear to be ruffling many feathers, with people just thinking it looks spicy, but green bread can be a bit off-putting, even if it's just achieved with a bit of food coloring.