5 Organic Desserts
We have all heard of organic fruits and vegetables, and we certainly abide by the dirty dozen rule when it comes to our produce. But what about our baked goods? Do organic sugar and flour really matter, too?
Click here to see the 5 Organic Desserts (Slideshow)
For a sugar to be organic, the sugar cane must not come into contact with any chemicals and man-made compounds from the time it was a seed through harvesting, refining, and packaging. Many packages labeled "natural" don't always fall into this category. Organic sugar is often more golden in color and less processed than refined sugar. It can be used in many baking goods as well as to sweeten coffee and tea.
Organic flour is also processed to specific standards. The farming practices prohibit the use of synthetic pest controls and artificial fertilizers. Also, when the wheat is milled, it cannot come into contact with any other non-organic foods. Unbleached flour goes through less chemical processing than bleached, but is not always categorized as organic.
If you follow an organic regiment with your fruits and vegetables, stocking up on organic sugars and flours is a healthier and chemical-free option as well. And using organic products won't sacrifice the taste of any of your favorite baked goods.
Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.