3 Fantastic Ice Cream Recipes For Summer
Do you remember the first time you had ice cream? It probably made you think that if there was one food made out of magic, this would be it. And even when we grow up, ice cream still continues to hold a special place in our hearts, whether it's a really good scoop of vanilla that inspires cravings or the latest crazy flavor at the gelato place with the equally crazy crowds. But you can't truly appreciate the magic that goes into making ice cream until you make it for yourself.
It's really not as difficult as you think. For advice on how to get started, click here to see How to Make Homemade Ice Cream Like a Pro. And once you've done that, check out some great recipes from members of the Culinary Content Network below.
Olive oil ice cream — it may sound strange, but olive oil actually works as a flavor. Check out Eva's recipe from Adventures in Cooking. (Photo courtesy of adventures-in-cooking.com)
Chandriga Chandraan, author of the blog A Cook's Memoir, has a delicious Strawberry Yogurt Ice Cream you won't want to miss out on. (Photo courtesy of Chandriga Chandraan)
Jullie Anne Caparas searched high and low for a macadamia nut ice cream recipe that would satisfy, but had no luck, and finally decided to make her own recipe one day. Caparas, author of Mangoes and Palm Trees, figured out the trick to make an intensely flavored version: making her own macadamia nut milk from scratch. Amazing. (Photo courtesy of Jullie Anne Caparas)
Will Budiaman is the Recipe editor at The Daily Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.