Ocean Spray Cranberry X Dragon Fruit Review: Should You Line Up For The Re-Release?

Ocean Spray began in 1930 as a cooperative of cranberry growers. The first product was the Jellied Cranberry Sauce that none of us would be caught without on Thanksgiving. From there, the cooperative grew, and the line of products expanded exponentially. In its endeavor to continue growing the brand, Ocean Spray has released its first new flavor in over two years, Ocean Spray Cranberry x Dragon fruit. This delightful beverage unites freshly harvested tart cranberries with the distinct flavors of dragon fruit for a vibrant blend unlike anything you've ever tasted.

We had the opportunity to sample this limited-edition cranberry juice blend. Having a great affinity for the jellied cranberry sauce, juices, and dried fruit varieties produced by Ocean Spray, we were eager to taste this unique addition to the family. We assessed this juice based on aroma, overall appeal, and, most importantly, flavor. Read on to see if this juice lived up to its hype and where you can obtain your bottle of this exciting new product.

What does Ocean Spray Cranberry x Dragon Fruit taste like?

At first sniff after opening the bottle, the aroma of this juice was distinct from any other Ocean Spray flavor we have ever had. Most of the blends tend to maintain a tart cranberry aroma even if the other fruit shines through. This has a much more exotic and slightly sweet aroma. The color of this juice is also unusual. It almost looks ruby-like, with a deep, juicy red hue and a tiny hint of a magenta accent.

The flavor is in keeping with the aroma. The cranberry is present, but less aggressively so than what we are used to. Subtle tartness is barely discernible. It is complemented, if not somewhat subsumed, by the tropical dragon fruit, which typically tastes like a cross between a kiwi and a pear. This had a less lip-puckering quality that we usually associate with a kiwi and the more subtle, buttery, almost vanilla, and honey-forward flavors of a ripe pear.

Nutritional information for Ocean Spray Cranberry x Dragon Fruit

Each 8-ounce serving of this juice has 80 calories, 10 milligrams of sodium, and 18 grams of added sugars. There are also 90 milligrams of vitamin C per serving.

Ocean Spray has long advocated for cranberries as a superfruit. They are loaded with anti-bacterial properties, which is one of the reasons they are often recommended for those with urinary tract health issues. They are also loaded with polyphenol antioxidants, which are known to help repair damaged cells. More recently, a carbohydrate within them, known as xyloglucans, has been linked with having prebiotic properties that help fuel the proliferation of probiotics in our gut, encouraging proper digestion.

According to Healthline, dragon fruits have similar nutritional benefits to cranberries, including polyphenol antioxidants, fiber, and prebiotic compounds. They are also high in iron and magnesium. Together, these fruits are a dynamic nutritional duo.

Where you can find Ocean Spray Cranberry x Dragon Fruit and how much does it cost?

Ocean Spray Cranberry x Dragon Fruit juice was initially slated for a limited-edition release the week of September 18, 2023, and exclusively available on Amazon. This first batch of juices sold out almost instantly due to popular demand.

Because of its success, Ocean Spray has announced a second batch of this limited-edition juice slated for release in October. This second release is also expected to sell out, so get your bottle while supplies last.

The 60-fluid-ounce bottle retails for $2.99 via Amazon. If you notice this juice drink is out of stock, check back periodically, as new inventory may be added.

The final verdict

We highly recommend the new Ocean Spray Cranberry x Dragon Fruit beverage if you want a unique variation on your usual cranberry juice cocktail. We found it to be sweet but not cloying. It is visually appealing and exotic in flavor. It was unlike any other Ocean Spray product we have ever consumed, and we were enamored with it.

If you want to be playful with this juice drink, we recommend using it as a mixer. For a non-alcoholic beverage, try blending it with orange juice for a play on a Sunrise. For something more alcoholic, try this juice with sparkling wine or champagne for an elegant variation on a mimosa or a bellini, sometimes known as a Poinsettia. Whichever you choose, these are sure to be a crowd favorite at your next holiday get-together.