Egg Lasagna: A Delicious Breakfast Twist On The Classic Dish

If you're a fan of Italian cuisine, chances are you've dined on lasagna before. The layered dish combines cheese and tomato sauce in between layers of long, flat noodles. (There are quite a few different cheeses that work well in the dish.)

While there's technically nothing stopping you from enjoying a slice of leftover classic lasagna for breakfast, the dish may be a bit heavy on your stomach right after you wake up. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to turn this favorite dinner dish into a breakfast meal — so long as you change up a few of the added ingredients.

Lasagna noodles will still make up the base of this altered dish, but instead of marinara sauce and ground beef, you can swap in bacon bits and eggs to make the meal. Of course, you'll still want to include some cheese to help hold everything together. The hearty dish combines carbs, dairy, and protein, which contribute to a balanced breakfast.

Add some breakfast foods to the layers

Before you assemble your breakfast lasagna, you'll need to prep the bacon and eggs. The bacon should be fully cooked and crispy. Make sure to reserve some of that grease because you'll need it later on for the sauce. Then, hard boil a dozen eggs and slice them up. (If hardboiled eggs aren't your thing, you can scramble them.)

Using the leftover bacon grease, sauté onions, then add in flour, seasonings, and milk to create a roux. That sauce will replace the marinara in the lasagna. Finally, arrange the dish as you would a normal lasagna.

Start by spreading a thin layer of sauce on the pan. Add a layer of noodles, then top it with the egg slices, bacon bits, and cheese. Add some more sauce on top, and repeat the process until the dish is full. Sprinkle some extra cheese on top, then let it bake. Once the lasagna is done, allow it to cool before slicing and serving.

Customize the dish with extra ingredients

One of the best parts of lasagna is that it can be customized. While some like to keep it simple, with layers of noodles, cheese, and sauce, others add in meat or vegetables to bulk up each slice. When baking a breakfast version of the dish, that sentiment is no different.

If you aren't a fan of bacon, you can crumble on breakfast sausage instead. Or, if you follow a plant-based diet, you can use your favorite veggie omelet fillings like mushrooms, broccoli, and spinach. (If you want a more hearty filling, you can also opt for a plant-based sausage.) Just make sure you have something fatty (like butter or margarine) to use in the sauce.

If you ever find yourself craving a slice of lasagna in the early hours of the morning, making the dish with layers of breakfast ingredients might just help you start your day the right way. For even easier prep, construct the lasagna the night before, then bake it in the morning for an easier meal.