Canned Potatoes Are The Secret To Elevating Instant Mash

Instant mashed potatoes aren't necessarily bad. They're quick, convenient, and if made correctly can actually be pretty satisfying. You could make a big bowl of mashed potatoes for yourself in the same amount of time it takes you to boil water. But just because instant potatoes aren't bad doesn't mean they couldn't stand some improvements here and there. One of the ways you can breathe some new life into your instant potatoes involves — you guessed it — canned potatoes.

For this method, any brand of canned potatoes will do — sliced potatoes, new potatoes, whatever you have on hand will work. Start by draining and rinsing the potatoes and adding them to a saucepan with 1/4 cup of milk. Now, boil the milk and potatoes for 1 minute before removing them from the heat and mashing the potatoes with your favorite mashing tool. Once the potatoes are sufficiently mashed to your liking, add them to your pot of instant mashed potatoes and stir to combine. You can also add your choice of butter while you mix if you need something to help bring everything together. 

But wait a second — you may be saying, "Didn't we just go through making mashed potatoes twice?" In short, yes, the canned potatoes were merely a shortcut to making homemade mashed potatoes. The reason for this — aside from doubling the amount of potatoes you'll be serving — is more about adding some much-needed texture that the instant potatoes may not have. 

This method adds lumps back into the potatoes

Maybe you're one of those people who likes lumps in their mashed potatoes. Maybe you like the way those little chunks of soft potato gives some texture to the fluffy smoothness of the mashed stuff. Maybe you just like them because they're a sure-fire sign that what you're eating is made from a real, honest-to-goodness potato. Whatever the case may be, if you like lumps in your potatoes, the canned potato method is for you. By adding "fresh" mashed potatoes made from potato chunks or slices rather than dehydrated flakes, you're reintroducing pieces of soft, tender spuds back into the instant mashed potatoes.

Another good part about this method is that it gives more "real" potato flavor to your instant mashed potatoes. While the flakes inside the box of instant packages are really just little bits of potato that have been dehydrated, there are those who find they lack the flavor of authentic mashed potatoes. By adding some basic mashed potatoes, you can add a little extra potato flavor to quell any complaints that they aren't "real mashed potatoes."

But what happens if you're someone who doesn't like lumps in your mashed potatoes? How can you add extra texture and flavor to your instant mashed potatoes without having to use more potatoes? You'll be happy to know that one of the benefits of instant mashed potatoes is that they go well with a wide variety of toppings and other ingredients.

You could add everything from sour cream to bacon bits

Adding more potatoes is certainly one way to get some extra bang out of your instant potatoes — but it's not the only way. The beauty of mashed potatoes is that they are receptive to many different ingredients, and the list of what you can add to your instant potatoes for some texture and flavor is no less impressive.

If you want a creamier, smoother mashed potato, you can substitute the milk or water you use to boil the potato flakes for heavy cream or buttermilk. If you don't have access to buttermilk or heavy cream, you can add a few spoonfuls of sour cream to give your potatoes a richer flavor and smoother texture. If you want to get a thicker mashed potato — perhaps out of fear the instant mix will be too soupy — you can add a few tablespoons of cornstarch, which will help give a thicker body to the dish. You can also add ingredients like shredded cheese and bacon bits or chicken stock to add a much more savory flavor. If all else fails, some homemade or store-bought gravy will add some much-needed flavor and texture.