How To Decode Aldi's Price Tags Like A Money-Saving Pro

You probably already know by now that there are significant deals to be had at Aldi. This discount grocery chain operates around 2,300 stores in 32 states, along with numerous international locations. If you're a newbie, there's also a lot you don't know about shopping at Aldi, like that you'll need a quarter to get a grocery cart (don't worry, you'll get it back when you return it). They do things a little differently at Aldi, but fans of the store know that there is a significant payoff to becoming versed in the company's ways: deep discounts on high-quality foods, including organic and gluten-free items. One of the most essential skills to master to get the most out of your shopping experience is deciphering its price tags.

Besides displaying the actual price of an item, Aldi's price tags have codes and colors that tell you a lot more information, like how long the product will be available, if it's on sale, if it's discontinued, and more. If you take a few minutes to learn the language, you'll know whether or not you should stock up on your Aldi-brand cereal before it disappears or if that 7UP-flavored pound cake is a year-round staple.

Color codes

The most obvious differences in price tags at Aldi are the colors. Most year-round, everyday items will have a yellow, green, or white price tag. Yellow tags are the most common color throughout the store, while green tags are in produce and white tags are in the frozen section. A yellow (or green or white) tag with black writing means the item is a regular product available year-round. However, there are some variations on these common tags. If they're seasonal or available for a limited time, that may be printed on the tag. Seasonal items are only available within a window of about six months. Blue tags also signal that an item is seasonal, like St. Patrick's Day ice cream novelties.

Some yellow tags will have different colored writing, which indicates sales or availability. For example, yellow tags with red writing mean the item is on sale or clearance. If the yellow tag has a blue sticker, the product is new and expected to be available year-round.

If the tag is white with red text, that indicates that the item is an "Aldi find," a collection of the store's most coveted items. Aldi finds are released each week on Wednesdays, and what you see is what you get — once they're sold, they're gone.


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Letter codes

In addition to different colors, eagle-eyed Aldi shoppers know there are some letter codes to look out for, explicitly using the letter "D," but it depends on whether the number is printed on the tag or handwritten.

In the printed product code under the price, if there is a number followed by the letter "D," that means the product comes to the store frozen. The number before indicates how many days the product is good once thawed. This is great to know if you're looking for the freshest products (like baked goods).

However, if the price tag has a handwritten "D," that means the product is discontinued. The handwritten codes are a way for store employees to find items more easily when restocking. So, if you see a "D" scrawled on the tag, you should grab some extras before they're gone.

Once you get all the price tag lingo down, the only thing left to do to become an Aldi pro is to take a trip down the aisle of shame. It's rumored that true Aldi fans have a special crow call to identify each other in the store, but you don't have to go that far to get the deals; just don't forget to bring your own bags!