The Discontinued McDonald's Fan Favorite We Aren't Getting Back

There are few things worse than finding out your favorite fast food chain has discontinued a beloved item. This is definitely the case with McDonald's snack wraps, which first appeared on the restaurant's menus in 2006 per Insider. Consisting of chicken (grilled or fried), cheese, and lettuce, snack wraps were notable for their warm tortillas — a far cry from the restaurant's other menu items. They were also convenient and affordable, which made them an ideal meal for people on the go (as well as those seeking slightly healthier options). McDonald's ceased selling them in the U.S. in 2016, despite their appeal with fast food fans. And although requests for snack wraps persist to this day, McDonald's apparently doesn't plan on reintroducing them anytime soon.

How many discontinued fast food items have their very own petitions? Well, the snack wrap does, and it features 17,785 signatures so far. In the petition, both the healthiness of the item and its convenience are cited as major reasons to bring it back. Despite the impassioned pleas of consumers, it looks like McDonald's is playing hardball when it comes to its menu; delving into the process of making the snack wrap may offer some clues as to why.

It all comes down to efficiency and sales

Fast food chains want to serve as many customers as possible, which requires a streamlined approach. They also want to focus their efforts on the best-selling items, as less popular menu options can lead to food waste and lackluster sales. These are the primary reasons why the snack wrap was removed from McDonald's menus, and why it's unlikely that it will return for another Shrek promotion (pesto mayo, we hardly knew ye).

Complaints from franchisees made it clear that snack wraps are no picnic to make. Multiple steps, including tortilla warming and the assemblage of the ingredients, led to snags when serving customers. Most fast food establishments have strict rules about how long it takes to serve customers, so anything that increases the time is usually seen as a detriment. And despite the furor surrounding snack wraps these days, they were not a best-selling item. Not many people go to McDonald's in search of healthy food, it would seem, especially when there are establishments that specialize in such fare. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it's easy to see why the decision was made. But if you can't seem to get over the demise of McDonald's snack wraps, there is still hope.

Not quite the snack wrap you were looking for (but close)

If you ever find yourself in the Great White North, take comfort in the fact that Canadian McDonald's feature a variety of snack wrap flavors, called McWraps, including Ranch Chicken, Caesar, and Chicken and Bacon. Meanwhile, across the pond, McDonald's in the United Kingdom sell Big Flavour Wraps with cheeky names like The Spicy Veggie One and The Garlic Mayo Chicken One. You can also get a similar version right here in the states, albeit from a completely different fast food chain.

According to Insider, Wendy's upgraded its menu in March of 2023 to include an item that is strikingly similar to the original snack wrap. Alongside grilled chicken and ranch dressing, the chain's version of a wrap also features lettuce, shredded cheese, and a warmed tortilla. The primary difference is that this wrap is less of a snack and more like a meal, which is reflected in its $6.29 price. While McDonald's fans hold out hope that the original snack wrap will one day make its triumphant return stateside, the Wendy's version appears to be a worthy alternative.