Elevate Your Ranch Dressing With Just One Herby Ingredient

Ranch dressing is something people feel quite passionately about. Some folks choose brands to buy over and over, while others have favorite recipes they make time and time again. Obsession with ranch is so widespread, it's even become a part of pop culture, having been parodied on shows like "Saturday Night Live."

After all, ranch is more than just your everyday salad dressing. Anything from hot wings to pizza to, yes, leafy greens can make the cut when it comes to getting slathered in ranch. However, there's no reason to stay loyal to the classic recipe just because that's the way it's always been done.

Step out of your comfort zone with ranch dressing to add some pesto and you might find that the combination of flavors is worth so much more than the sum of its parts. And the best part is, in doing so, you can even empty your fridge of herbs that might've otherwise wilted before you ever used them.

Pesto is one tasty addition to ranch

Most people think of basil when they think of pesto, and basil pesto is a delightful way to zhuzh up ranch dressing — especially when it's used as a dip for crackers or crudité. It's bright, it's fresh, and it's unapologetically punchy, which also makes it an ideal addition to creamy, rich, dairy-based ranch dressing. One enlivens, one enriches, and the combination is something altogether new, even for people who have tried both condiments.

However, one other handy trick is to switch the basil out for dill. Basil pesto works well, but dill's grassy and verdant flavor is arguably a better suited addition to many iterations of ranch. After all, dill is regularly included in ranch seasoning, so adding dill in place of basil (or even alongside basil) just makes sense. These remixes are not only tasty but also help you use up what might already be in your fridge.

Experiment with your ranch dressing

If you're looking for other ways to enhance your ranch dressing, turn to complementary tastes and textures. Ranch is cooling and rich, so employ flavors that are bright; zested citrus rind, for example, is a great way to do this (and use up every part of a lemon or orange). Alternatively, you could use something spicy — chili crisp, diced chiles, or any number of seasoning blends are all viable options.

The possibilities are practically endless. Feel free to go nuts with nuts, use whatever you have on hand, and cut out or adjust ingredients however you please. Short on herbs? Leave them aside this time. Got a few shallots on hand? Go for it! Let your taste buds be your guide. If you have a jar of store-bought pesto and dinner is in 20 minutes, though, nobody is going to judge you for swirling some straight into the ranch dressing and calling it a day.