Can You Cook Bacon On A Grill, And Is It Worth It?

Summer is just around the corner, and that means one thing: grilling season. Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, vegetables, fruit — almost anything tastes better on the grill, especially during those first-of-the-summer cookouts. But there's one all-star ingredient that often gets left off the charcoal: bacon. 

There are more than a few good reasons to consider cooking bacon on the grill. First of all, you get to stay outside with your guests, instead of running back and forth to a kitchen stovetop. That also means no oil splatter on the stove, no messy cleanup, and no lingering bacon smell inside the house — although the mouthwatering smell of grilled bacon will probably make your neighbors jealous. 

Plus, grilled bacon will be fresher and crispier when added to burgers, hot dogs, or whatever else you're serving. Grilled bacon can be a game-changer, but there are a few key tips to in mind. When shopping for a cookout, be sure to choose thick- or extra thick-cut bacon. Smaller, thinner strips can burn quicker, but thicker cuts can stand up to a grill's higher heat and cook more evenly.

How to grill bacon safely

Putting bacon directly on grill grates not only gets messy; it's also a safety hazard, as rendered fat can cause grease fires, notes Southern Living. Using a grill pan or a cast-iron skillet is a good way to avoid the risk, but you can also use foil, folding it over once or twice to create a sturdier surface. 

Before your get-together, test-grill a couple of individual strips of bacon to determine how fast it will cook. Pre-heating the grill to 400 degrees Fahrenheit will ensure crispier bacon, as will using tongs to flip the bacon. (You may want to do this a little more frequently than you would on the stovetop.)

As for heat, creating a two-zone fire allows you to move the bacon from low to high heat as needed. This is also a great way to cook steaks, as it enables you to sear at a high heat for an outer crust, then move to a lower heat zone to finish cooking the interior. (For less maintenance, you can stick with the lower heat zone; just plan to cook the bacon a bit longer.)

Save time and maximize flavor

One of the tastiest and most time-efficient ways to grill bacon is to wrap it around meat or veggies and grill them at the same time. The sweet smokiness of the bacon will add incredible flavor, you only have to focus on cooking one dish, and ... well, who doesn't want food wrapped in bacon? 

A bacon-wrapped burger recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, but chicken breast, shrimp, and filet mignon are all great options. As for veggies, bacon-wrapped jalapeños are a great side-dish or appetizer. If you prefer less heat, bacon-wrapped asparagus is an unbeatable classic. 

While sliced bacon levels up any burger or hot dog, crumbled bacon is a welcome addition to most side dishes. Potato salad, deviled eggs, salad, and baked potatoes all benefit from bacon. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even use grilled bacon to make an unforgettable bacon-inspired cocktail. Grilling bacon puts a whole new perspective on convenience and adds a variety of new and exciting options to try all summer long.