What's The Difference Between Cobbler And Boston Cocktail Shakers?

When building the perfect home bar, an essential item (besides which bottles you want to keep on hand) is a cocktail shaker. While not every drink needs to be shaken, those that do practically can't be made without one. Cocktails that feature dairy or citrus need that quick shake to emulsify all their ingredients properly. It takes not one but two rounds of shaking to make a traditional whiskey sour with an egg white. You might not need a cocktail shaker every day, but when you do need one, it's hard to go without.

If you're in the market for a cocktail shaker, be an informed consumer and buy the one that's right for you. The two most popular styles of cocktail shakers are the Boston shaker and the cobbler shaker.

The Boston shaker is preferred by most bartenders. It consists of an aluminum tin and either a second, smaller tin or glass vessel. The two are sealed together to give a vigorous shake, and the contents are then run through a separate strainer.

The cobbler shaker is the classic home bar shaker. It consists of a shaker, a cap with a built-in strainer, and a lid for that cap. It's a smaller, simpler shaker than the Boston shaker, but it certainly looks good sitting on a bar. The only question is, which one of these styles is right for you? 

Cobbler shaker, the home bar classic

If you're an amateur bartender just beginning to hone your skills, the cobbler shaker is likely your best choice. Its smaller size might make it more difficult to make cocktails in big batches, but it does make it easier to control. This, paired with its simple construction, means that you don't need to worry as much about accidentally throwing a cup and half your cocktail across the room. Its built-in strainer also means that you won't have to buy a separate tool to start mixing drinks. The pieces are also less likely to get stuck together because the cobbler shaker isn't reliant on a vacuum seal to stay closed.

One major problem is that it will take longer to shake than the Boston shaker. Cocktails need to be shaken to aerate them. Because the cobbler shaker is smaller, it won't have as much air trapped inside it with your drink and will take longer to create an emulsified foam. That built-in strainer might also get in the way of egg-white foams or cream floats. It might also be more annoying to clean than the Boston shaker's simple cups. 

Boston shaker, the pro bartender's choice

The Boston shaker is more suited for the bartender who entertains often or wants to level up their cocktail skills. This shaker might take some more skill to master, but it will be more effective in many scenarios.

The main reason for this is the Boston shaker's size. It can hold more liquid and air, which means that it will take less shaking to make your drink and can accommodate batch cocktails more easily. It's also easier to clean because the two vessels can be washed as easily as any glass.

The biggest issue with this shaker is that it does take more skill to use. Shaking your cocktail without spilling anything relies on a tight seal that can take some time to master. That seal also means that the two pieces tend to get stuck together. You'll also need to purchase a strainer for some cocktail recipes. This can be just for catching ice chips or particulates used for flavoring, but it is one more piece of tech that you'll need for your home bar.

For anyone that's getting serious about their home cocktail craft, the Boston shaker is the best choice.