Pizza Hut's New Reversible Hat Is A Wearable Nostalgia Trip

When you think of Pizza Hut, you're likely thinking more about breadsticks and pan pizzas than you are about fashion. But Pizza Hut isn't afraid to expand its brand to market towards a more fashion-conscious demographic with the debut of its "Hut Hat." 

According to an April 5 press release, the "Hut Hat," designed in partnership with Los Angeles-based pop-up Chain, is a red bucket hat with white lettering spelling out the restaurant's name. The red-and-white coloring is meant to invoke the classic red-shingled roofs that adorn Pizza Huts across the country. But that's not all — by flipping the hat inside out, you can give it a checkerboard design meant to resemble the famous Tiffany-style lampshades that hang above each table in Pizza Hut restaurants.

How can you get your hands on these pieces of reimagined '90s fashion? Fans won't need to wait too long to order the Hut Hats.

The Hut Hats are almost here

If the Hut Hat is exactly what you need in your day-to-day life, you'll be happy to know that you don't have to wait long to buy one. Fans can get their hands on the Hut Hat today, starting at 12 pm PST. To get the Hut Hat, place your order on the Eat at Chain website. The combination of Pizza Hut's classic color scheme and '90s fashion is priced at $35.

This isn't Pizza Hut's first time marketing fashion accessories, surprisingly enough. Back in October 2022, Pizza Hut teamed up with baby clothing company Carter's to release Pizza Hut-themed baby wear for National Pizza Month. Pizza Hut has also hinted that more collaborations with Chain may appear in the future.

With '90s fashion wear and baby clothes under its belt, it appears Pizza Hut is trying to both out-pizza and out-fashion the competition.