Spring Water Vs. Purified: How Do You Choose?

Everyone is talking about drinking more water, it seems, and for good reason. Drinking water has many health benefits. It can help promote weight loss, keep your digestive system functioning properly, keep your skin hydrated, lubricate your joints, improve memory and concentration, and more (per Healthline)!  The amount of water an individual should drink can vary depending on factors such as age, body weight, and activity level, but there are many signs that you are not drinking enough water, including frequent headaches and dry skin. 

If you need to increase your water intake, one tried and true way to do so is to carry a bottle of water with you as a subtle way to remind yourself to hydrate as you go about your day. Another way to ensure that you get enough water is to find a water that you like. There are many brands and types on the market, including purified and spring water. But what's the difference, and which one should you choose?

The differences in spring and purified water

Spring water is a type of water that naturally flows to the surface from underground aquifers. These aquifers are underground reservoirs of water that are created by the filtration of rainwater and snow as it melts through layers of rock and soil. Spring water has not been treated with chemicals or additives and it is rich in minerals and nutrients.

Purified water is a type of water that has undergone treatment to remove impurities, contaminants, and minerals. The purpose of this process is to create water that is free of any chemical, biological, or physical substances that may be harmful or undesirable. Purified water is often used for drinking, cooking, and other household purposes, as it is free of any taste or odor and is considered to be safe and clean. It is also commonly used in pharmaceuticals, electronics, and food processing. Purified water may not contain some minerals and nutrients that are in spring water.

Choosing your type of water

Which water is best for you? When choosing between purified water and spring water, first consider the source of the water and the quality of the treatment process. All bottled waters must meet standards set by the FDA and EPA, but not all spring water is necessarily free of contaminants, and not all purified water is necessarily high quality. This is why you should research your bottled water before buying it. Read labels and choose a reputable brand that offers testing results and certifications to ensure that you're getting the best quality water for your specific needs.

The type of water you should choose will ultimately depend on your taste preference, what you are doing with it, and if you want minerals and nutrients in your water. Purified water is typically free of contaminants and is often flavorless, which makes it great for cooking, but it could lack minerals. Spring water will have some mineral content and flavor, which is wonderful for drinking, but may not be as filtered as you want. So, it all comes down to your personal goals and priorities.