Why Cleaning A Hot Stove Is Never A Good Idea

Household chores are a must, but they aren't always fun. It's even less fun when you are in the groove, ready to get your cleaning done, and you have to wait for your dishwasher to finish doing its job, or stand by while your dryer finishes tumbling clothes. You may start to get impatient, but there are some things you just can't rush.

Having patience when cleaning can be pretty challenging if you're the type of person who likes to clean your kitchen as you cook. You can get the dishes done, keep the counters clear, and stay on top of trash removal, but what about wiping down a hot stove? While you may be tempted to clean it while it's hot, in order to prevent food from drying on it, it's really best to wait on your stove to cool down before you clean it — it's safer for you and your stove.

Stay safe while cleaning

It is important to wait for the stove cooktop to cool before cleaning it for a few key reasons. First, if the stove is still hot, you could risk burning yourself on one of the burners or even catching a rag or sponge on fire. No one wants that. Another reason to let the stove cool before tackling it with a sponge is that cleaning products that are sprayed on hot surfaces can release harmful fumes or steam, according to Maid Brigade, that can get in your lungs or eyes and make you sick, or worse, cause serious damage. Healthline offers some cleaning product safety tips that can help you avoid such situations. Plus, cleaning supplies that vaporize don't get the job done as well.

Speaking of damage, another reason to let the stove cool down before you attempt to clean it is that cleaning supplies are chemicals and burned chemicals can do damage to your stove's surface. So, spraying these chemicals on a hot stove can ruin it and if you have a glass-top stove, it could cause the glass to crack (per lifehacker).

Cooling your stove

If you want to cool your stove faster for cleaning, you can help it by opening windows or turning on a fan in the kitchen. You can also use your stove's hood, which is designed to help remove heat and smoke from the kitchen. Once the stove is cool, remove any large food debris or spills from the stovetop and burners by using a damp cloth or sponge. You can use that same cloth to wipe down the exterior of the stove, including the knobs, buttons, and control panel.

Next, use a stove cleaner or a solution of warm water and dish soap to clean the stovetop and burners. A mixture of baking soda and water can also be used as a natural cleaner. Remember to be careful with the number of chemical cleaners you use, and don't mix chemicals. This can lead to toxic gases being released in your kitchen, which can make you sick (per Skokie). Finally, dry everything thoroughly before replacing the racks and turning the stove back on.