Tips To Remember When Freezing Maple Syrup

There are several things you can pile on a pancake, including whipped cream, fruit, hazelnut spread, and butter. If you're looking for a classic complement, however, you can't go wrong with maple syrup. As the name suggests, maple syrup is derived from the sap of sugar maple trees, which is 98% water and 2% sugar (via Heifer International). The sap is boiled, eliminating its water content and concentrating the sugar, resulting in the thick, intensely sweet liquid that we pour all over our pancakes and waffles.

While maple syrup's flavor is the primary reason for its popularity, this condiment is also beloved for its versatility. Its intricate sweetness, complete with notes of vanilla and caramel, pairs well with a variety of foods, sweet or savory, including sweet potatoes, ice cream, cooked vegetables, ham, and bacon. An issue that some people struggle with is keeping maple syrup fresh for as long as possible. According to Carman Brook Farm, this delicious liquid can experience a shorter shelf life if it's not stored properly. One easy way to preserve maple syrup is freezing, but there are a few tips you should know before testing this method out.

The container is key to freezing syrup

As established, freezing is a very effective way to store maple syrup over a long period of time. One thing you should know before freezing, though, is that the type of container the maple syrup is in affects how you should freeze it. Maple syrup often comes in plastic or glass containers (via Ohio State University). If it's in a plastic jug or a pouch with a lid, you can simply place it in the freezer as it is, per Maple Roch. However, if it's in a glass or tin container, you must transfer it to a mason jar before placing it in the freezer. This is because maple syrup expands when it freezes, and this expansion can result in the glass breaking. If you do need to pour the syrup into a mason jar, be sure to leave enough space for it to expand.

According to Healthy Canning, there is really no defined amount of time that maple syrup lasts in the refrigerator. If frozen properly, this sweetener can last indefinitely. Whenever you want maple syrup, just remove it from the freezer and let it thaw out in the refrigerator or on your kitchen counter. Afterward, simply place the remaining syrup back in the freezer.

More tips for storing maple syrup

While freezing is a very simple way to preserve the quality of maple syrup, there are some other storage methods. Maple Farmers reports that it's completely fine to refrigerate maple syrup after opening it instead of freezing it. Refrigeration may actually be the better option if you plan to use this sweetener frequently; it may be a hassle to freeze and thaw syrup that you plan to use several times a week.

If your maple syrup is unopened, there's no need to refrigerate or freeze it at all. According to Better Homes & Gardens, it's perfectly safe to keep unopened maple syrup in a pantry. Ensure that the pantry is cool and dark, as high temperatures and exposure to sunlight can diminish the syrup's shelf life, per Carman Brook Farm. However, you're bound to open your syrup at some point, and when you do, consider freezing it, as this will allow you to enjoy this delicious sweetener for an indefinite period of time.