Where Is Cow Wow From Shark Tank Today?

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When it comes to life's simple pleasures, there are few things better than gulping down the remaining milk in the cereal bowl after enjoying your favorite breakfast offering. This unparalleled culinary delight occurs when tasty cereal flavors like cinnamon, chocolate, and berry become infused with milk for a sweet treat that pairs perfectly with Saturday morning cartoons.

According to the Shark Tank Blog, entrepreneurs Tiffany Panhilason and Chris Pouy hoped to capitalize on kids' love of cereal milk with their Cow Wow products. They claim that the fun flavors like Fruity Trudy are not only tasty, but they also contain essential nutrients, along with being certified organic. The Cow Wow team played this up to Shark Tank hosts as they requested a $250,000 investment for a 10% share of the business. Because Cow Wow offerings contain more sugar than standard milk and are bound to be appealing to kids, host Daymond John expresses concerns about contributing to the obesity epidemic among children as he bows out. 

Other hosts express concerns as well, ranging from issues with the taste of the product to the challenges of entering an already competitive marketplace. All the hosts eventually back out and leave the brand with no deal on the table. However, Cow Wow is able to secure an agreement with Kroger grocery stores, which is attributed to its appearance on the show. Despite this success, their products don't ultimately make the big splash the founders intended.

Cereal flavored milk fails to wow consumers

As explained by the Gazette Review, Cow Wow products seemed to have all but disappeared from public view. A link to the business' former website shows that it's no longer active and the Gazette Review claims that it's not been updated since 2014. Additionally, Cow Wow milk has been wholly absent from Kroger shelves as far back as 2018, despite claims that products could be found there. A visit to various Cow Wow social media pages returns similar results.

While the brand still has a Twitter page, the last update occurred in 2015. The latest update on Cow Wow's Facebook page also took place in 2015, and its Instagram page appears to be a digital ghost town. As for the brand's Amazon listing, the Fruity Trudy 12-pack is listed as "currently unavailable," with no indication that it will be re-stocked any time soon. 

What do customers have to say about Cow Wow? Opinions are split between the two reviews appearing on the Amazon page. While one reviewer states that the Chocolate Chip Cathy flavor is "so perfect," another customer likened the Fruity Trudy to "slightly sweetened water with a weird flowery aftertaste," and ultimately decreed that it was "yucky." Unfortunately, it appears that Cow Wow could not replicate the massive appeal of slurping down cereal milk straight from the bowl.