8 Ways To Soothe A Sore Throat

1. Chicken Noodle Soup

Of course, there's the classic, chicken noodle soup. In addition to its soothing warmth, the soup will help give you fluids and nourishment.

2.  Tea, tea, and more tea.

Like the soup, the heat feels great. More specifically though, try chamomile, ginger, or lemon tea. All three of these ingredients are known to kill bacteria. Chamomile is also a natural pain reliever. While ginger has a pretty potent taste, its strong aroma is what opens up your sinuses. Ginger will also alleviate some of your irritation because it is an anti-inflammatory. Finally, the lemon helps by cutting through any congestion. To help with the taste, stir in some honey with your tea. Besides tasting wonderful, the honey will prevent coughing fits by coating your throat.

3. Fluids

Push the fluids. Staying hydrated will keep your mucus membranes lubricated and better able to fight bacteria. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and dairy.

4. Bananas!

This non-acidic fruit is easy on the throat when swallowing, and it's packed with vitamins to help you recover.

5. Boiled Carrots

Carrots are a great source of nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K. Boiling the carrots will ensure they don't irritate your throat further.

6. Saltwater

Gargling saltwater will give you immediate relief by flushing out irritants and bacteria, reducing swelling and eliminating mucus.

7. Anything with Garlic

If you don't have a hot date afterwards, suck on some garlic. Garlic contains allicin, which kills the bacteria that causes strep and fights the germs causing pain and irritation. Just suck on one fresh clove of garlic like a cough drop. Periodically bite into the garlic to release the allicin. You don't have to actually eat it for this to work though.

 8. Anything with Pomegranate

Pomegranates' antioxidants fight off your throat's infection, and its anti-inflammatory traits soothe your throat's swelling. 

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