TikTok Cook Babs Costello Follows These Rules To Get The Perfect Christmas Cookies

It's the Christmas season which means many people are dusting off their cookie sheets and tins once again. Cookies make for a great treat because they're typically pretty easy to make, and there are a seemingly endless number of recipes to suit everyone's preferences. Whether you got roped into a cookie exchange with family and co-workers, or just need something easy to bring to the holiday gathering, almost everyone seems to be baking around the holidays.

Those that are trying their hands at making cookies for the first time, or just want to step up their efforts are in luck. That's because Tik Tok creator Barbara "Babs" Costello recently dished out some tips on "Good Morning America." According to TODAY, Costello launched her Tik Tok page with the help of her daughter during the pandemic and quickly earned 100,000 views with her first video on the platform. Her profile @brunchwithbabs now has nearly three million followers who are interested in her cooking and baking advice.

Tips for the best holiday cookies

To help out anyone that might struggle with their holiday cookies this year, Costello recently appeared on "Good Morning America" to share some advice. One hold-up to many baker's plans is when they realize that they need room-temperature butter, and all they have is in the refrigerator still. Costello says you can simply fill a glass with warm water, then dump the water, and turn the glass over the butter to bring it to room temperature in a few minutes.

Costello also recommends staying away from measuring cups and weighing your ingredients instead to get the perfect proportions. Once you've got your cookies formed on the baking sheet, you should then refrigerate them to help flavors come together and prevent overspreading.

You'll need to find somewhere to let your cookies cool once they come out of the oven. Costello says you can save space by taking the cloth cover off an ironing board, giving it a quick cleaning, and using it as a giant stand-alone cooling rack. To keep your cookies fresh, you should line a cookie tin with paper towels, and then stack each layer with wax paper in between. Costello says this will keep them fresh all season long, though we're partial to adding a slice of bread as well.