The Hack That Will Give You Perfectly Roasted Veggies Every Time

Ah, vegetables. You either love them or hate them. Or perhaps you fall somewhere in the middle, opting for dipping slices of cucumbers in ranch instead of chowing down on broccoli florets or green beans. However, regardless of your relationship with vegetables, they are crucial to a balanced diet and come with many benefits. 

According to Harvard's School of Public Health, eating vegetables can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and regulate blood sugar levels. So whether or not you actually enjoy vegetables, consuming them is pretty important. 

Even if you aren't a fan of greens, with some simple spices and good roasting in the oven, you can turn vegetables into a tasty side dish or even a main course. With harvest season in full bloom, it's the perfect time to try roasted harvest vegetables or some crispy brussels sprouts with a kick of sriracha aioli. If you want to perfect your roasted veggies every time, there's also a hack to make your life in the kitchen easier.

Timing is key

For roasting vegetables, there are going to be different cook times depending on the vegetable. For harder vegetables, more time is needed in the oven to soften them up and get a well-rounded roast versus softer vegetables — like tomatoes — which require only a couple of minutes. Instead of using multiple baking sheets and trays to roast different vegetables, why not roast smarter instead of harder? 

According to an Instagram Reel from @brunchwithbabs, you can actually roast all of your vegetables on one baking sheet at the same temperature of 425 degrees Fahrenheit. To do this, first lay out your harder-to-roast vegetables. These might include beets, butternut squash, potatoes, and cauliflower, all of which take around 25 to 40 minutes to cook. Then, once they're halfway through roasting, add the easier-to-roast vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, and tomatoes. These require around 15 minutes of cooking time. A perfect and easy hack to use when roasting vegetables.

Make sure all the veggies are evenly distributed, with none overlapping. This will help ensure all the veggies are cooked evenly.

Improving the roasting process

The best part of cooking is that everything can be improved upon. When roasting veggies, especially those harder root vegetables, cut them into smaller pieces so they can be receptive to heat and cook more evenly.

Another thing to consider is the amount of oil and seasoning you're using. If you're roasting vegetables to make them taste better, don't be afraid to use some spice! To make sure your vegetables are receptive to the heat and roasted properly, make sure to use enough oil and seasoning to fully coat them (via Food Network).

Additionally, to ensure you're getting that roasted caramelized flavor you're aiming for, consider rotating and flipping your vegetables halfway through (via The Scramble). With this, you'll want to ensure you aren't mixing up the harder root vegetables with the softer vegetables, so keep them on separate sides of the baking sheet, and with a simple spatula, lightly move and flip the vegetables so they get a nice, even roast. Then, enjoy!