The Unexpected Hack For Perfectly Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

When it comes to making breakfast, scrambled eggs are one of those staple morning foods that you can almost always assume are going to be served. One of the earliest breakfast memories for a lot of people may be cooking or eating scrambled eggs with their family on Saturday and Sunday mornings, accompanied by some crispy bacon or pancakes.

According to YouGovAmerica, scrambled is America's egg preparation method of choice, followed by over easy, sunny-side-up, over medium, or hard-boiled. But let's be honest here, while scrambled eggs may be popular to make, it doesn't always mean they come out right. How many times have you accidentally cooked or been served dry, rubbery eggs? That's not a fun way to start off your day.

When making scrambled eggs, getting a fluffy and moist consistency is key. While you could pretend Gordon Ramsay is standing behind you to try to make the best scrambled eggs, there are actually some pretty easy methods to ensure your scrambled eggs will come out perfectly fluffy.

The fluffiest scrambled eggs

Water is the hack to make your best-ever scrambled eggs, according to Allrecipes. In order to use the site's tried and true method, simply swap your usual pan for one with a little higher of an edge so you can put around four inches of water into it. Then, bring the water to a simmer as you crack and scramble your eggs in a separate bowl. Stir the water so that it circles around the pan, pour the eggs into the pan, and cover for 30 seconds. When you remove the lid, the eggs will be floating on the water, allowing an abundance of fluffy air bubbles. Plus, your eggs won't be cooking directly on a hot pan, so it's harder to overcook them.

Even Food Network uses water to cook scrambled eggs, calling them "poached scrambled eggs." With this method, Food Network recommends swirling the water clockwise and gently pouring the egg mixture into the pan's boiling water. The hardest part is getting the eggs out of the pan. You'll need a steady hand to pour the water out of the pan without taking the eggs with it. But once you successfully did that, you're good to go! You can then spice up your fluffy scrambled eggs to your liking, including dashing your favorite spices, cheeses, and herbs on top.

Another surefire method

Not sold on using water? Try adding some milk or creamer to your eggs instead. When cracking eggs in a bowl, adding a dash of a creamy dairy liquid will add to the overall fluffy consistency of your scrambled eggs, making it moister (via Land O'Lakes). Then, instead of using a traditional spoon or fork to stir it together, opt for a whisk to beat the eggs, whisking really quickly to get a bubbly look in the eggs. Then, you can pour the egg mixture into your semi-hot pot, making sure it's not too hot to burn the eggs. Using a low to medium-low heat will ensure that the eggs have enough time to cook evenly and not too quickly.

On the other hand, MasterClass recommends adding your dairy component last to get "soft" scrambled eggs. You can add crème fraiche, butter, sour cream, or a dash of milk to your eggs when they are already cooking in the hot pan. Additionally, using butter or avocado oil in the egg mixture as well as in the pan itself can give your scrambled eggs a boost of moisture and fluffiness.